r/FunnyMonkeys - Reddit
Mar 12, 2020 · A sanctuary where all monkeys, big and small, can be shown off to the public. ONLY if they are either cute or funny. and by funny I mean any monkey. because let's be honest. all monkeys are funny. so with that, I hope we can achieve a common goal of being the biggest monkey photo and text subreddit in the jungle
Name suggestions for every Monkey : r/btd6 - Reddit
Jul 9, 2020 · sniper monkey = fine shot mate monkey sub = hoe detector ( top path) monkey buccaneer = steamunlockeddotnet plane monkey = shima (sorry) heli monkey = arnold schwarzenegger mortar monkey = tinnitus monkey (0-0-0 picture) dartling gunner = electric boogaloo (top path) wizard monkey = anything but that ( seriously, no.)
Tell me your funniest monkey names : r/btd6 - Reddit
May 11, 2022 · Dart Monkey: Swagdaddy (Ibz reference) Boomer: Australian representative Tack Shooter: Nine Circles (Kinda Geo Dash reference) Bomb Shooter: K A B O O M (TF2) Ice monkey: Temperature is ur IQ Glue Gunner: Glue version of Pyro (TF2) Sniper: Professional Standard (TF2) Submarine: Down in the deep Buccaneer: You are a Pirate
r/MonkeyMemes - Reddit
r/MonkeyMemes: Post your best monkey memes here
Monkey Pics - Reddit
Random pictures of monkeys, either doing something funny or not. Don't let the name get in the way of what you post. Just because it is named monkeypics doesn't mean that other primates aren't welcome, just so long as they aren't the hairless ones that have overrun the planet. Who doesn't like a monkey?
Gimme Monkey Name Ideas : r/btd6 - Reddit
77 votes, 86 comments. 346K subscribers in the btd6 community. For discussion of Bloons TD 6 by Ninja Kiwi with Ninja Kiwi!
Monkey Name Ideas (a list) : r/btd6 - Reddit
Sep 29, 2021 · Sniper Monkey Has 46 dildos Kinky Guy Elite Defender Monkey Sub War Criminal Monkey Dom (Totally not stolen) The Racist Woke Dumbass Monkey Bucanner Failed Kayaker Tax Fraud: Ocean Edition Hooker Monkey Ace Monkey Asexual Gambler Probably Fruity Bomber Heli Pilot Haircut Blades Immortal to G Force
Monkey Tower Names : r/btd6 - Reddit
Nov 9, 2021 · Hey everyone I just wanted to know what you all names your monkey towers, I just wanted to make a thread so we can all see what funny/cringe names we all gave our monkeys lol. Ill start with mine. Dart - Steve Tack -Bomb Glue - Yamete Kudasai Ice - Monke go Brr Sniper - Gun Ace - Kamikaze Dartling - Gun but faster Sub - USSR Buccaneer - Pearl ...
Monkey Names... A way to "Express yourself" : r/btd6 - Reddit
Mine are dart: Dartus monkis Boomerang:ok boomer Tak: ouch circle Bomb:bomby the tower Ice:needs a jacket Glue:gorilla glue Sniper:nasa supersniper Sub:under the sea Buccaneers: boaty mcboatface Plane:maverick renegade Heli: fox mccloud Mortar:bombs awayy Dartling: pew pew McGee Wizard: mr magic Super monkey: supreme primate Ninja:mr fushigi Alch:breaking …
Funny monkey : r/Monke - Reddit
May 29, 2022 · 65K subscribers in the Monke community. An ironic monke server, read rules before posting