Funny Campfire Stories - Ultimate Camp Resource
These funny campfire stories are either funny from start to finish, or appear to be scary but finish with a silly ending. Some are just plain corny!
Funny Campfire Stories - Ultimate Camp Resource
Camp Games for Summer Fun! Camp Skits; Ultimate Collection of Camp Songs; Camp Staff Resources
Funny Campfire Stories - Page 2 of 2 - Ultimate Camp Resource
These funny campfire stories are either funny from start to finish, or appear to be scary but finish with a silly ending. Some are just plain corny!
Funny Camp Skits - Page 2 of 6 - Ultimate Camp Resource
The first counselor talks to the crowd and tells them you have a really fun game to play and you need a volunteer. You have your second counselor in the audience and call them to come up …
Campfire Stories - Ultimate Camp Resource
Campfire Stories. From spooky to silly, a well-told campfire story will entertain your campers for hours. Eerie flashlight effects are optional... A note about campfire stories from our "soap box:" …
Funny Camp Skits - Ultimate Camp Resource
A leader begins to explain how to lay a campfire. The leader decides to use members of the audience to represent different pieces of wood. The bonfire builders bring up various …
Campfire Stories for Kids - Ultimate Camp Resource
Funny Campfire Stories These funny stories are either funny from start to finish, or appear to be scary but finish with a silly ending. Some are just plain corny, just like many camp counselors, …
Camp Skits - Ultimate Camp Resource
Nothing makes an assembly period, overnight campfire, or family night more fun than camp skits. They are a great way to include a dramatic piece to your camp program. They also provide an …
A Long Way To Go - Ultimate Camp Resource
The mule is so funny that the crowds can’t remain standing because they’re laughing so hard. Finally, a man comes up to the peasant and says “I’m a talent scout for The Tonight Show. I …
Funny Camp Songs - Ultimate Camp Resource
Some of these funny camp songs don't make sense, some of them are a little gross, but all of these songs are guaranteed crowd pleasers!