PEGI Changes Rating Advice for Fortnite | Pegi Public Site
Nov 16, 2023 · Individual games on Fortnite will start to have their own PEGI ratings as of today. In combination with a robust set of parental controls and cabined accounts for younger players, this will ensure that both parents and children can enjoy video games responsibly on Fortnite.
| Pegi Public Site
PEGI provides age classifications for video games in 38 European countries. The age rating confirms that the game content is appropriate for players of certain age. PEGI considers the …
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Fortnite has been rated Parental Guidance Recommended. This rating was awarded because it contains a diverse range of user-generated content, which may contain elements that are unsuitable for younger children.
PEGI bietet Alterseinstufungen für Videospiele in 38 europäischen Ländern. Die Altersfreigabe bestätigt, dass das Spiel für Spieler eines bestimmten Alters geeignet ist. PEGI berücksichtigt die Alterseignung eines Spiels, nicht den Schwierigkeitsgrad.
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This game has received a PEGI 16 because it features the use of strong language, prominent use of alcohol and strong gory images. Not suitable for persons under 16 years of age.
Il codice di condotta PEGI | Pegi Public Site
Il sistema PEGI si basa su un Codice di condotta - un testo redatto in inglese contenente un insieme di regole a cui ogni editore che utilizza il sistema PEGI è vincolato per contratto.
PEGI announces new content descriptor: in-game purchases
Aug 30, 2018 · PEGI today announced that it will start to include a new content descriptor icon on rating licenses for physical releases of video games, informing parents prior to purchase about the possibility of spending money within a video game.