Hermes Lite 2 - SDR QRP - Review | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
Mar 23, 2023 · Hermes-Lite 2 usa un ADC de 12 bits relativamente lento, mientras que Flex 6700 usa un ADC de 16 bits mucho más rápido. El rango dinámico del Hermes-Lite 2 no se acercará al del Flex 6700. Sugerir que el Hermes-Lite 2 "no tiene nada que envidiar a los SDR de gama alta como el Flex 6700" no es más que una jactancia ignorante.
First 10 Days with a New Flex-6400 | QRZ Forums
Sep 10, 2019 · The first 10 days with my "baby", a new Flex Radio 6400 was not completely what I expected. First, with excitement on getting a text message alert that my package was "OUT FOR DELIVERY" I moved two of my security camera's to watch for the BIG BROWN TRUCK.
Hermes Lite 2 - SDR QRP - Review | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
Mar 23, 2023 · Hermes-Lite 2 uses a relatively slow 12-bit ADC while the Flex 6700 uses a much faster 16-bit ADC. The dynamic range of the Hermes-Lite 2 won't come close to that of the Flex 6700. Suggesting that the Hermes-Lite 2 "has nothing to envy of high-end SDRs like the Flex 6700" is nothing more than ignorant boasting.
Hermes Lite 2 - SDR QRP - Review | QRZ Forums
Mar 23, 2023 · [MEDIA] Hermes Lite 2 is a 5w power SDR QRP transceiver that has nothing to envy of high-end SDRs such as FlexRadio.
SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics – Review and walk through
May 2, 2018 · Here is a quick tour of the SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics. It's an operator's point of view and a simple walk through this great HF radio. This is the first video of an upcoming series. The SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics is an amazing standalone SDR radio, it’s complex and simple at the same time.
ELECRAFT K4D - Tested by HB9NBG+HB9FZC - QRZ Forums
Jun 29, 2021 · As a direct sampling radio is very good but hybrids from Yaesu scored much better and we will have to wait the top range k4 with heterodyne front end which comes at higher cost. Nevertheless all radios at this position are very good and possibly operating ergonomics will decide which one we like the best.
ICOM IC-7610 Review and Full Walk Through - QRZ Forums
Jun 15, 2019 · The IC-7300 is an awesome radio but has a TERRIBLE issue with RF remaining on the rear RF connector even as the RELAY goes from TX back to RX. This causes amp hot keying The IC-7300 also exhibits ALC overshoot, although it varies from radio to radio and some firmware updates attempt to fix SOME of the problem but not all.
Issue #8: QRO with the Legal Limit Mercury LUX - QRZ Forums
Jan 18, 2023 · RF Decoder: If the RF Decoder is selected on Radio Band Data section it will be in AUTO Mode which selects the 6-meter band when the amplifier starts up. A signal emitted by the transceiver selects the appropriate Low Pass Filter. Note: In SSB mode the radio will not emit RF until modulated; 200 milliwatts are needed to detect the current ...
PowerSDR ke9ns v2.8.0 free download - QRZ Forums
Oct 1, 2020 · After 'lock down' started back in April, I pulled out my FLEX-1500, downloaded the latest ke9ns PowerSDR, got a remote tuner for my in-attic OCF-dipole and have since worked 47 states w/5 watts on FT-8. A big THANK YOU Darin for making this radio BETTER than it …
Reviewing the Elad FDM S2 Software Defined Radio - QRZ Forums
Aug 12, 2017 · Excellent Review of the Elad SDR. PS. I love you dropping the beats. I am a strong proponent of the SDR Radios and the UNBELIEVABLE clarity of audio. I can tell you first hand that ELAD is an excellent radio. In my opinion when comparing with other, much more expensive SDR radios it tops the Charts. I personally own an operate the ELAD FDM-DUO SDR.