Spring Integration multiple FTP hosts (DefaultFtpSessionFactory)
Nov 15, 2016 · I would like to know whether it is possible to configure multiple hosts in one instance of DefaultFtpSessionFactory / DefaultSftpSessionFactory . The previous code what I had used to send a generated file to a FTP location. Now it is required that the same copy of the generated file must be sent to two FTP locations.
Sending '@' (at sign) character in AS3 socket for FTP Login
Nov 9, 2011 · @vannyn: can you use Telnet to log in succesfully to the same FTP server using the same username with the @ character in it? If AS3 and Telnet cannot both login, then it is not an encoding problem, it is a server problem. Not all server support email addresses as usernames. As for replacing @ with %40 or +, such replacements do not apply to FTP.
ftp is not resolving hostname from hosts file - Stack Overflow
Aug 19, 2015 · Wait, I think you were not asking the question I answered. When hostname is not in the hosts file, ping does not see the host either. ftp gives the response name or service not known. When hostname is in the hosts file, ping sees …
ftp - Python ftplib cannot use STOR in callback function following …
Sep 2, 2015 · I know possible solutions, but I'm sure there must be a more elegant one: - use urllib.request instead of RETR (what if there's no HTTP on the server?) - reinitialize FTP connection in callback function (may be slower than expected because of waiting for the server to reconnect) - user ftp.set_pasv(False) (callback launches, but the script does ...
test several sftp / ftp hosts for connectivity - Stack Overflow
Feb 27, 2013 · I have a number of valid hosts that we need to test ftp and sftp connectivity with. This is for legitimate business purposes, we are authorized to connect to these hosts. This is a server conversion scenario where we're changing ip's and need to know which hosts are allowing/refusing connections.
How To Extract SFTP SSH Key From Key Cache in FileZilla FTP Client
I needed the key in known_hosts format, so I has able to install a windows version of openssh at his recommendation and used the ssh-keyscan tool to hit the server and save the key info out in the correct format: ssh-keyscan -t rsa <my_ftp_ip_address> > c:\known_hosts ssh-keyscan -t dsa <my_ftp_ip_address> > c:\known_hosts Thank you Thomas and SO!
windows - FileZilla FTP Server error "425 Can't open data …
Apr 17, 2014 · Also check your hosts file on windows for invalid entries. Had a help desk person with an old entry in their hosts file to the wrong ftp server and they were getting a 425. Share
"Couldn't stat remote file: No such file or directory": Using FTP in ...
Oct 8, 2014 · You can use pwd to while connected to FTP to determine the directory you're currently in: sftp> pwd /C/Users/Tech1 ...which shows that in your environment, the FTP administrator mapped a Windows C: drive to a regular folder called C within the FTP server (and mapped all the other mounted drives to folders).
how do i reduce timeout on unix telnet on connection
Jul 14, 2009 · Try using timeout3 script is very robust and I used a lot without problems on different situations. Example to wait just 3 seconds trying to check if ssh port is open.
FTP connection is not allowed by server name - Stack Overflow
Aug 9, 2013 · FTP does not support virtual hosts (like HTTP), so only difference between using name and IP is resolver. Common causes include: wrong name entered (misspelling, spaces in name, missing or extra dot, etc) temporary network problems leading to DNS timing out (try "ping ftp.example.com" to see if that works).