Can Halflings be evil? : r/DMAcademy - Reddit
Can Halflings be evil? With evil i mean, able to organize a crime syndicate. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Evil halflings in the lore? : r/DnD - Reddit
Oct 15, 2017 · There are Halflings in the slums of Waterdeep, Halflings in the Zhentarim, Halflings in every cult and thieves' guild in a Human/Halfling city. I would imagine that Halflings living in majority-Halfling communities are rarely evil, except maybe among the Ghostwise, who are not good by default.
[Help] Creating a lawful evil Halfling assassin 5e : r/DnD - Reddit
Sep 8, 2016 · Hey everybody, I'm currently taking a break from DMing my current group and giving another one of the players a chance to take the reigns. He went ahead and agreed to let me play a lawful evil halfling assassin, here's what I want I have planned out so far and what I want my character to look like for the most part.
Can halflings be evil PC's : r/DnD5e - Reddit
Nov 24, 2020 · I have a pc that is a halfling rogue. Chosen to capitalize on the "luck" re rolling of 1s trait. But the phb says halflings are generally lawful good in nature and as a species pleasant people. This rogue is neutral evil on its best days.
A Good Halfling, an Evil Halfling and an anti-halfling walks into a ...
Apr 7, 2021 · An anti-halfling is a Kender, and they precede the end times. Woe be the universe that the Kender Klan visits, recruiting for their Kender Karnival. Less jokingly, my group has made kender into an in-joke and turned them from annoying …
The Evil Halfling Warlock : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - Reddit
Aug 12, 2022 · So I just got the game today on PS4 and I’m trying to do an evil halfling warlock. I played a gnome warlock in WoW and I love the comedic effect of tiny person/big evil. I understand that there is no “warlock” and I don’t exactly understand what eldritch knight is but it sounds badass and I’m not seeing it in the archetype selection. I’m …
Give Me Your Halfling Lore! : r/DnDBehindTheScreen - Reddit
Jul 30, 2015 · The adherents of the Triune God and those of the Old Ways put aside their differences against a common foe, for pious faith helps keep the evil at bay, along with the ancestral Halfling resistance to fear and darkness. Basically, the Lightfoots are clannish wanderers with an arguably-deserved reputation for being carnies, con artists, and thieves.
Why no evil (or "dark") halflings? - paizo.com
Nov 8, 2011 · So if dark elves are the evil underground version of elves and Duergar are evil {more} underground dwarves and Dark Folk are like evil underground humans, where is the evil halfling race? 3.5 had evil halflings in the Book of Vile Darkness. Some consider Dark Creepers to be evil halflings.
Evil Divination wizard : r/DnD - Reddit
Oct 11, 2020 · So, I am creating a lawful evil halfling divination wizard, about lvl 10. I know its nonsensical, but I am needing help on how this divination wizard could rule a criminal organization and hustles with divination magic. I just need a little nudge to get things rolling.
Anyone got Evil halfling portrait to share? pretty pls - Reddit
Dec 4, 2020 · So it is time for me to change portrait - to reflect the change of my PC. I tried searching google and even downloading a bunch of mod packs for other rpgs also, but all in vain, for there is really small collection of halfling portraits, yet alone wicked evil halfing ones. So anyone care to help a brother in need?