Check or delete your Chrome browsing history
Websites you’ve visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history, and find related searches in Chrome. You can also resume browsing sessions on other devices if you’re signed in and have your history synced to your Google Account.
Manage & delete your Search history - Google Help
Manage saved Search history Delete Search history Important: If you delete Search history that’s saved to your Google Account, you can’t get it back.
Delete browsing data in Chrome - Computer - Google Help
You can delete your Chrome browsing history and other browsing data, like saved form entries, or just delete data from a specific date.
Delete your activity - Computer - Google Account Help
Delete your activity automatically You can automatically delete some of the activity in your Google Account. On your computer, go to your Google Account. At the left, click Data & privacy. Under "History settings," click an activity or history setting you want to auto-delete. Click Auto-delete.
Manage & delete your Search history - Android - Google Help
Manage saved Search history Delete Search history Important: If you delete Search history that’s saved to your Google Account, you can’t get it back.
Check or delete your Chrome browsing history - Google Help
Websites that you've visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history and find related searches in Chrome. You can also resume browsing sessions on other devices if you're signed in and have your history synced to your Google Account.
View, delete, or turn on or off watch history
YouTube watch history makes it easy to find videos you recently watched, and, when it’s turned on, allows us to give relevant video recommendations. You can control your watch history by deleting or turning off your history. If you delete some or all of your watch history, YouTube won’t base future video recommendations on that content.
Check or delete your Chrome browsing history
In the 'by group' tab of your History page, Chrome organizes your browsing and search history into groups. Here, you can easily find your previous browsing activity and continue your research with related searches.
View or delete your YouTube search history
You can manage your search history by deleting individual searches or clearing or pausing search history. Learn more about your data in YouTube and managing your YouTube activity.
Delete your Google Play search history
Open the Google Play Store app . At the top right, tap the profile icon. Tap Settings General Account and device preferences C lear device search history.