Mussaenda 'Dona Aurora' | Plant Pono
In general, Dona Aurora is a low-maintenance plant that drops little to no rubbish. Sensitive to salt and wind. For the brightest flowers, keep in full sun. Pollinators are attracted to vivid colors — …
White Mussaenda (Mussaenda philippica 'Donna Aurora')
Plant database entry for White Mussaenda (Mussaenda philippica 'Donna Aurora') with 9 images and 25 data details.
Mussaenda philippica 'Dona Aurora' | Plant Pono
Ornamental shrubs native to the Phillippines. 150 varieties exist, many are named for the first ladies of Phillippines presidents. Colors range from pink, red, yellow, white-blooming Spring …
Mussaenda philippica - Wikipedia
‘Doña Aurora’ has calyx lobes all petaloid, creamy to greenish-white above; prominent greenish-white veins below. After anthesis, lobes become more greenish-tinged, slightly curved and …
Mussaenda philippica ’dona aurora' - Flower Database
Mussaenda philippa dona aurora (scientific name: Mussaenda philippica DDona Aurora') is a horticultural variety of the non-cold-tolerant evergreen small shrub "Mussaenda philippica" of …
Dona aurora, Mussaenda Philippica A. Rich. var. aurora Sulit …
Doña Aurora is a shrub or small tree, 3 to 5 meters high. Leaves are opposite, broad-ovate, with short-pointed tips, dark green and glossy. Calyx lobes are expanded into white or greenish …
Mussaenda philippica Dona Aurora - TopTropicals
Mussaenda philippica Dona Aurora is ideal for any partially shaded to full sun location in the garden. The plant will best flower in full sun. It needs regular watering during summer and …
Growing mussaenda - GardenDrum
May 31, 2013 · Mussaenda ‘Queen Sirikit’ (Mussaenda ‘Dona Hilaria x Dona Aurora’) is named for Queen Consort of Thailand, the longest reigning head of state in the world. It is possibly the …
Mussaenda Philippica - - Growing, caring, Use - Garden Diary
May 23, 2015 · Common name: Dona Aurora, White Mussaenda. Botanical name: Mussaenda Philippica. Native: Philippines, Life cycle habit : Annuals. Plant type: Shrub or small tree. Pests …
Mussaenda Doña Aurora - Project Noah
White Mussaenda is native to Philippines and SE Asia. Its popular name in the Philippines is Doña Aurora, named after the wife of former President Manuel L. Quezon. It was first found in …