A Visit to the Dolphin Head Mountains, Hanover - YardEdge
Dec 13, 2010 · One of Jamaica’s tropical rain forests, Dolphin Head is ideal for hiking, picnicking, birdwatching, or just plain relaxing. The area is well known for its large variety of birds and species of flora and fauna, some of which are endemic to the area.
Dolphin Head Mountain - Moon Jamaica
Dolphin Head Mountain and the Dolphin Head Forest Reserve contain some of Jamaica's few remaining pockets of biodiversity and high endemism.
Jamaica Mountains, Location, Heights and Parishes - Fiwi Roots
A comprehensive list of the mountains and peaks in Jamaica, including their Parishes, elevations, lattitudes and longtitudes. Click on the location icon to display the location on the map. Trending Now: A captivating novel set in Jamaica. A must-read for fans of historical fiction and suspense.
List of mountains of Jamaica - Wikipedia
Blue Mountain Peak [1] Blue Mountains [1] John Crow Mountains [1] Juan de Bolas Mountain [2] Mocho Mountains [3] Dry Harbour Mountains [3] Dolphin Head Mountains [3] Bull Head Mountains [3] Santa Cruz Mountains [4] Mount Diablo Mountains [3] Don Figuerero Mountains [5] May Day Mountains [6] Yallahs Mountains [citation needed] Mount Diablo [3 ...
Jamaican Mountains: A Complete and Comprehensive Guide to …
Nov 23, 2023 · Dolphin Head Mountains: A prominent landmark near Falmouth, offering stunning views of the coastline and the historic town. Dolphin Head is a peninsula located on the north coast of Jamaica, and the mountains are named for their resemblance to a dolphin’s head.
9 Jamaican hikes you'll never forget - Jamaica Experiences
Mayfield Falls is located on Dolphin Head Mountain in the parish of Westmoreland. It's a great waterfall hike for the entire family. The waterfall is roughly nine feet so the hike is much shorter than Dunn's River.
Dolphin Head (Dolphinhead) Map, Weather and Photos - Jamaica: mountain …
Dolphin Head (Dolphin Head) is a mountain (class T - Hypsographic) in Hanover Parish (Hanover), Jamaica (North America) with the region font code of Americas/Western Europe. It is located at an elevation of 491 meters above sea level.
dolphin head, jamaica - Cockpit Country
Dolphin Head is a proposed National Park located a few miles inland from Lucea. The Island of Jamaica has been submerged several times over the last 100 million years and at the most-recent emergence, the Dolphin Head area formed one of three separate islands (the others were the Cockpit Country plateau and the John Crow and Blue Mountain area).
Dolphin Head Map - Peak - Askenish, Jamaica - Mapcarta
Dolphin Head is a peak in Askenish, Hanover Parish and has an elevation of 419 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
Dolphin Mountain - Home
This site temporarily under construction. ... Dolphin Mountain