[2411.11973] Boosted Dark Matter Driven by Cosmic Rays and Diffuse …
Nov 18, 2024 · Dark matter boosted by energetic diffuse supernova background neutrinos can be detected only through nuclear or electron scattering in ground-based detectors requiring a non-zero interaction of dark matter with nucleon or electron, in addition to its interaction with neutrino.
This weird JWST trick lets us “see” dark matter - Medium
Jan 6, 2025 · Our galaxy is embedded in an enormous, diffuse dark matter halo, indicating that there must be dark matter flowing through the solar system.
Diffuse reflection - Wikipedia
Diffuse reflection is the reflection of light or other waves or particles from a surface such that a ray incident on the surface is scattered at many angles rather than at just one angle as in the case of specular reflection.
Diffuse Gamma Ray Background - an overview - ScienceDirect
The Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background (DGRB) refers to the total measured gamma-ray emission that remains after subtracting the resolved sources and diffuse Galactic foregrounds.
Improving the daylighting performance of residential light …
Sep 1, 2020 · Two variants of the light well grounds are studied: a dark ground with a diffuse reflectance of 20% and a light ground with a diffuse reflectance of 60%. For the walls, dark and light scenarios are also investigated: the dark variant corresponds to a diffuse reflectance of 50%, equivalent to a grey or colored wall, and the light variant to a ...
Boosted dark matter driven by cosmic rays and diffuse supernova ...
Mar 7, 2025 · Dark matter boosted by energetic diffuse supernova background neutrinos can be detected only through nuclear or electron scattering in ground-based detectors requiring a nonzero interaction of dark matter with nucleon or electron, in addition to …
Here we show that recent X-ray data for A665 favor models in which the dark matter in the regions of the cluster observed by Davidsen et al. is mainly baryonic. Thus the decaying-neutrino theory continues to be viable. 1. INTRODUCTION. opments of 1991, Trimble (1992) included a section enti-tled "The Decay and Death of Sciama's Particle."
We attempt here, using these latest findings, to deter mine as accurately as possible the characteristics of the most likely sources of the diffuse UV background. We have placed special...
energy range, will provide excellent opportunity for future Dark Matter studies. We present an overview of the GLAST Dark Matter and New Physics Working Group efforts in the study of the LAT capability to detect a gamma-ray ux coming from WIMP pair annihilations in diffuse astrophysical sources. Particu-
Limits on Diffuse Dark Matter with HAWC - Semantic Scholar
Figure 1: Map of the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background strip - "Limits on Diffuse Dark Matter with HAWC"