Ghom - Diablo Wiki
Ghom, Lord of Gluttony (a.k.a. the "Ravening Beast") was a mighty demon and (literally) the largest of Azmodan's generals. Ghom was a powerful demon in service of Azmodan. Like all demons, he fought the forces of Heaven in the Great Conflict. Ghom once devoured six angels in a single swallow ...
Ghom - Diablo Wiki
Nov 23, 2013 · Ghom is a new character to Diablo, and his title is the Lord of Gluttony. He is a servant of Azmodan, and is encountered about a third of the way through Act III in the Larder. Defeating him completes the last quest in Bastion's Keep, and frees a character up to leave the keep and battle on the frozen surface areas.
Diablo 3 Ghom: Location, How To Beat, Drops, and Quest …
Aug 10, 2022 · Ghom acts as a servant of Azmodan, the Lord of Sin and one of the four Lesser Evils in the game. Defeating Ghom completes the last quest in Bastion’s Keep, and allows the character to progress across the battlefield to take Rakkis Crossing into Arreat Crater.
Ghom - Diablo Wiki
Ghom is the largest of Azmodan's Sin Lieutenants, and he possesses no less than four mouths. Though his voracious appetite is certainly his greatest weapon, his bile, and well... "other" noxious excretions are equally lethal. When last seen in battle, the lord of …
Ghom – Wiki – DiabloNext
Ghom es una criatura muy lenta que usa sus nubes de gas para relentizar al enemigo. Mantente alejado del radio de la nube de gas para evitar que te relentice, así como del ataque con mordisco resultante.
Ghom - Heroes of the Storm Wiki
Ghom, Lord of Gluttony and Aspect of Gluttony is a proposed hero from the Diablo franchise.[1] Ghom appears as a print on Leoric's janitor suit in his Toxic Janitor skin. Ghom - Diablo Wiki
Ghom - Villains Wiki
Ghom was a member of Azmodan's Sin Lieutenants, representing sin of gluttony. During siege of Bastion's Keep he got into the fortress and started eating soldiers... Ghom is a minor antagonist in Diablo III.
diablo iii - What's the legendary drop rate of Ghom? - Arqade
May 22, 2014 · The legendary drop rate of Ghom is different depending on your difficulty level. Most people farm bosses in normal mode because of the checkpoint system. If you're looking for legendary items, you get a much higher increase while in a rift, so you might want to consider elite farming a rift instead.
Ghom (Lord of Gluttony) - The Larder (Act 3) - Diablo 3
Ghom is located in act 3 and can be found in The Larder location. In Diablo 3 present from 1.0.8, 2.0.1 version. It appears in the form of bounty called "Kill Ghom" in the location The Larder in act 3. How to find Ghom in Diablo 3: Restart the game until you find bounty Kill Ghom.
The Larder - Diablo Wiki | Fandom
The Larder is a zone found just past The Keep Depths Level 3 in Act III of Diablo III. This is where the player will encounter Ghom. While other demons attacked through the Breach, Ghom stopped here to oversee the operation (and to have a...