DECA Inc. | Preparing Emerging Leaders and Entrepreneurs
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
High School | DECA Inc.
Extend your learning beyond the classroom while experiencing business travel as you attend educational conferences and events. Explore the business, culture and lifestyle of the host …
Our Mission | DECA Inc.
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
Collegiate | DECA Inc.
Joining Collegiate DECA is the first step you can take towards achieving your goals and realizing your greatest potential. Your membership in Collegiate DECA provides you the opportunity to …
Bring DECA to Your High School | DECA Inc.
If your school offers courses in business management, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and tourism, marketing or personal financial literacy, DECA is for you!
Competitive Events | High School | DECA Inc.
A spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance. Whether you have just 10 minutes to put together a creative solution to a case study or 15 minutes to …
Experience the Difference with BusinessU - DECA
Join DECA’s National Advisory Board partner and producer of DECA at the Bell, BusinessU, for an engaging teacher session showcasing the potential of a standards-based, teacher …
Business Management and Administration - DECA
DECA’s college and corporate partners engage DECA members and help them prepare for colleges and careers of their choice. They provide classroom presentations, scholarships, …
Principles of Business Management and Administration - DECA
The Principles of Business Management and Administration role-plays will use concepts associated with careers in administrative services, business information management, general …
Business Growth Plan | DECA Inc. Competitive Events
The Business Growth Plan involves the idea generation and strategy development needed to grow an existing business. Participants in the Business Growth Plan will analyze their current …