Dalton - Projectile Points
Daltons are among the earliest forms to be used for the dual purpose of being a knife, projectile point, and various other tools, a pattern that continues into latter points of the Early Archaic period.
Dalton tradition - Wikipedia
The Dalton tradition is a Late Paleo-Indian and Early Archaic projectile point tradition. These points appeared in most of southeast North America from c. 10,700 BCE to at least c. 8,400 BCE. [1]
Dalton Forms - Peach State Archaeological Society
Age: Generally classified simply as Dalton points, the Chattahoochee Dalton would date between 10,500 and 9900 radiocarbon years BP. Description: The Chattahoochee Dalton is a lanceolate form measuring between 1 and 3 inches long. The blade is lenticular with excurvate edges.
Sloan Lanceolate - Projectile Points
This is a large lanceolate point with an elliptical cross section. The blade is primarily excurvate and commonly serrated. The shoulders are absent with a stem that is slightly expanding. The base may range from slightly concave to deeply concave. Grinding is seen on the hafting area and basal grinding and flaking are common.
Hardaway Dalton - Projectile Points
This is a thin small to medium auriculate lanceolate point with a flattened to elliptical cross section. The blade is primarily recurvate. The blade commonly narrows at the waist and expands out at the base creating ears.
Spear Points (14,000 – 8000 B.C.) - University of North Carolina at ...
Spear points, also called projectile points and arrowheads, are pointed objects normally made from chipped stone that were attached to the end of a spear or an arrow. Over time the shapes of these points changed, changes that have been recorded …
Diagnostic Artifacts in Maryland
Dec 30, 2012 · The Hardaway-Dalton point has a broad, thin blade, shallow shoulders, and a deeply concave base. The base and shouldered sides are ground, and the edges are often finely serrated. The Hardaway-Dalton, Hardaway Side Notched, and Hardaway Blade points appear to be related Paleoindian period types.
CGSS Late Paleoindian Period - Peach State Archaeological Society
The site produced three Dalton points from the Late Paleoindian period, an Ocmulgee Dalton, a Chattahoochee Dalton and, perhaps a Beaver Lake point or a second Chattahoochee Dalton (right). Even among these few examples, the variety of design among point types is apparent.
Dalton Period - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
Nov 19, 2024 · The most distinctive item in the Dalton stone toolkit, the Dalton point, was used not only to penetrate game like white tailed deer but also to cut and saw meat, hide, wood, and other materials. Dalton points were generally lanceolate (leaf-shaped) in outline.
Dalton Hemphill - Projectile Points
This point is found through out the Mississippi River valley and into the Illinois River Valley and the Red River Valley. Age / Periods: Date : 10,000 - 8,500 B.P.