The Hoffa fracture: Coronal fracture of the femoral condyle a …
The Hoffa fracture of the distal femur is a rare injury described as a coronal fracture of the femur involving one or both of the condyles. The distal, condylar end of the femur has a trapezoid shaped anatomy and articulates with both the tibial plateau and the patella.
Hamate’s coronal fracture: diagnostic and therapeutic …
The coronal fractures as a special form of hamate’s body fracture are very rare injuries. Because of unspecific clinical findings and the mostly inconclusive x-ray imaging, these fractures are frequently overseen or misdiagnosed.
#8 exhibiting a complicated coronal fracture, root canal treatment and bonding of the coronal segment. Horizontal root fractures of #8 and #9; the maxillary right central remained vital while the maxillary left central developed pulp necrosis requiring nonsurgical and surgical root canal treatment; prognosis favorable.
Three-dimensional fracture mapping and analysis of coronal fractures …
Oct 1, 2022 · The incidence of coronal fractures was 32% and 67% in AO/OTA types 33-C and 33-C3, respectively. Our findings suggest that coronal fractures differed between both types, emphasizing the potential need for different treatment approaches.
Coronal plane fracture of the femoral condyles: anatomy, injury ...
Oct 2, 2014 · The purpose of this article is to provide a review of coronal fractures of the femoral condyles, known as Hoffa fractures. This includes a review of the normal anatomy of the femoral condyles, examples of the injury, and postoperative imaging findings after surgical treatments.
An Innovative Approach for Management of Vertical Coronal Fracture …
Coronal tooth fracture increases cuspal flexure under occlusal load and weakens the tooth. This decreases the stiffness of the tooth. Hence, a temporary restoration should protect a tooth from further deterioration during endodontic treatment.
A2 Coronal split/pincer fracture - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
Type A2 is a coronal split or pincer fracture involving both endplates without involvement of the posterior wall of the vertebral body. A-type injuries are in general a failure of anterior structures under compression with intact tension band.
[Morphological analysis of coronal femoral intertrochanteric fracture ...
Sep 15, 2021 · CT three-dimensional reconstruction can better identify coronal femoral intertrochanteric fractures than X-ray films, and accurately recognize and analyze the incidence and morphological characteristics of coronal fractures, which can help formulate more effective surgical strategies to promote pati …
The Coronal Tooth Fractures: Preliminary Evaluation of a Three …
Jun 30, 2017 · The study included 9 patients (5 males, 4 females) with tooth coronal fracture. In all the cases, the fractured fragment was available and intact and there were not macroscopic losses of dental tissue at the tooth-fragment interface.
Hoffa fracture of the femoral condyle: Injury mechanism
Background: Hoffa fractures are coronal-plane fractures of the femoral condyle, which are rarer than sagittal-plane condylar fractures. This study aimed to systematically review the clinical knowledge base of Hoffa fractures to facilitate the diagnosis and management of such injuries.
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