meaning - Is it "chalk it up to" or "chock it up to"? - English ...
Dec 16, 2015 · “Chock it up to just another amateur exhibition of a lack of administrative ability,” said Georgia pollster Claibourne Darden. (John King, Associated Press, The Daily Gazette, …
Why do we "chalk it up" to something (or someone)?
It comes from literally writing up a debt with chalk. The OED defines it: 3. b. spec. To write up in chalk (a record, esp. of credits given); to score. Hence to chalk it: to run up a score, take ‘tick’. …
What's the origin of "chock one up for something"?
Jan 10, 2021 · I know that it has the same meaning as "chalk one up for", but I couldn't find out why it works with the word 'chock'. Is it something they used to do in the past, or is it simply a …
Revision 2ee549f4-f782-4903-9a0c-4d796c9b47ac - English …
**Chock it up** (or **chuck** it up to) is an [eggcorn][1]. Given your example sentence, it should be **chalk it up**: > To credit or ascribe: *Chalk that up to experience.* ([AHD][2]) Some …
Revision 8bebae78-b61e-4101-bc99-254deac9cfc6 - English …
**Chock it up** (or **chuck** it up to) is an [eggcorn][1]. Given your example sentence, it should be **chalk it up**: > To credit or ascribe: *Chalk that up to experience.* ([AHD][2]) Some …
etymology - Where did the phrase "chock-full" come from?
May 19, 2013 · Middle English chokkeful already had the same meaning as modern chock-full. Both this word and choke “to strangle” likely derive ultimately from Old English words meaning …
etymology - Why do we "scotch" a rumour? - English Language
Feb 25, 2012 · The noun 'Scotch' is used in railway parlance as the chock which is placed on a rail to stop a 'parked up' coach or other wagon/ stock from rolling away if the brake fails/ is …
Where does the phrase "hold down the fort" come from?
Jun 19, 2015 · The expression seems rather nonsensical, though; a fort is a large, solid building constructed as a stronghold. A person in an actual fort might need to hold up the fort (or its …
What does it mean if someone is a "minefield of information"
May 28, 2012 · The natural phrase is a metaphor 'a mine of information', a person that is chock full of interesting facts. Changing that to 'minefield' would mean that each little (very mixed …
What are the names of the 2 pieces of a quick release strap buckle?
Aug 23, 2022 · It's not up to me. These are the terms, so if they look ambiguous to some folks, that's unfortunate, but it's also neither here nor there. The dictionary is chock-full of terms that …