Carrying Mags- Bullets Forward or Backward | Defensive Carry
Aug 21, 2009 · Many people are trained to carry additional mags so the the bullets face forward. It seems to me that when bullets face backward the body mechanics are less awkward to reload. The natural arc of your arm will put the mag into correct position after every inverted draw.
Magazine Carry Position: Bullets Forward or Rearward?
Nov 20, 2011 · Bullets Facing Forward: Always have your spare magazines positioned so that the bullets are facing forward (downrange, towards the bad guy). You should always use (2) single carriers in lieu of a double pouch, as the two singles won’t print through your street clothes like the (square) double pouch will.
Bullets Forward or Out? - Brian Enos's Forums
Jul 4, 2014 · With the bullets forward, I grab the mag by reaching back and indexing with my weak hand fore finger. With the bullets out, would your index be your weak hand thumb hitting the forward facing part of the magazine? I'm trying to imaging how this works consistently.
Bullets Facing Forward Or Backward? - Brian Enos's Forums
Jun 27, 2006 · Single mag pouch reload - Bullets forward just like a pistol reload, except that the index finger wraps the mag instead of along the front of the mag. Works great in both 20's and 30's.
Bullets Facing Forward Or Out? - Brian Enos's Forums
Jun 26, 2021 · 99% are forward facing. I know a few skinny single stack shooters who use bullets out to prevent mags from going all the way around to the holster.
Spare mag...bullets facing forward or rearward? - USA Carry
Sep 14, 2009 · Since I've been licensed to carry, I've been carrying my spare mags for 18 yrs or so now with bullets facing rearward (on my left side). That is, I insert mags into pouch with the front of the bullets facing in a reaward direction.
Vertical Mag Holders...bullets facing forward or back?
Mar 7, 2014 · I recently took a course at which the instructor, who is former military and seems to know his stuff, said that vertical mag holders should be loaded with bullets facing front. This requires the shooter to turn his hand palm out to grasp the mag in the proper orientation for loading the gun.
pistol magazine direction : r/3gun - Reddit
Feb 13, 2018 · Assuming the mag pouches are forward of midline, on the left (e.g. 10-11) they would be bullets facing right. IF they are closer to 9 o'clock then they would be facing forward so you can index off the top bullet.
The Art of the Magazine Change - The Mag Life - GunMag …
Nov 2, 2023 · Orienting the magazines with bullets facing forward (or towards the belt buckle) allows the shooter to properly index the mag when conducting a magazine change.
AR Mag Carriers-Bullets Forward or Back? - AR15.COM
Jul 31, 2017 · If for some reason you have a rifle mag pouch further back than that, anywhere between 4-8, it might be easier to have rounds facing forward and manipulate it like a pistol mag.