Bullet Brands and Types? | Shooters Forum
Dec 19, 2005 · I'm trying to get together some stuff for my first batch of reloads and I can't figure out how to pick my bullets. I'm shooting .357 mag out of a Rossi 92 and an Uberti Bisley. They both will be used for hunting, personal protection and …
whats some of the best cast bullet companies | Shooters Forum
Aug 12, 2019 · a bullet that can be driven fast, yet has more energy than the typical high-speed 125 JSP. And their 180 FP does awesome damage to wet newspapers and stumps! On the other hand, if you're shooting lower velocity loadings, there's no need to use harder alloys, so pick one of the other brands recommended above.
Hornady Leverevolution | Shooters Forum
May 24, 2009 · There is really no way to predict where a different load will end up, in advance. I have seen the same bullet weight, over the same powder charge, go 4" to one side when changing bullet brands. To check out the trajectory difference, shoot a few at longer range, compare the drop, etc.
COAL beyond SAAMI max | Shooters Forum
Dec 26, 2013 · In most cases, the magazine OAL is less than the chamber, but that's not a given. Find the lands, then back the seating depth off at least .005". I normally use .015" just to be on the safe side. Also, keep in mind that different bullet brands and types will have varying COAL to meet the lands. You need to establish these parameters for each type.
Black bear bullet. - Shooters Forum
Apr 1, 2013 · The difference in velocity between the 200 & 250 is simply 100 to 130 fps according to Horndy's reloading book. If I were going on a black bear hunt out of state mind you, I want the best and most accruate bullet that will fire in my rifle. …
Conflicting Bullet Dimensions | Shooters Forum
Jan 8, 2009 · Handloading Procedures & Practices ...
Winchester 94, .44 mag, list your best loads | Shooters Forum
Mar 13, 2011 · It casts a bullet similar to an LFN/PB, weighs 292 grains when cast of 16 parts lead to1 part tin. The bullet is .760 inches long, the meplat is .310 inches and the nose to crimp length is .380 inches. When seated in the case there is .380" of the bullet inside the case. It has only one grease groove just like the Lyman Keith style SWC.
Effects of storing a loaded clip | Shooters Forum
Mar 10, 2006 · It's my first pistol and I bought it used from a friend. He had the ramp polished and put in a recoil reducer. I put the stock spring back in because the recoil reducer made it too difficult for me to pull back on the slide. But today I put 200 rounds (different bullet brands/grains) and it performed beautifully. Thanks again!
Nosler Pistol Bullets | Shooters Forum
Sep 29, 2013 · Handloading Procedures & Practices ...
.430 cast performance 320gr wlngc load help | Shooters Forum
May 3, 2007 · The basic pressure relationship is that as a bullet seats deeper in a case there is less room for the gases being generated by the propellant early in the burn. This speeds up the burn and raises the peak pressure. Don't worry about mentioning other bullet brands. A quick search will show a lot of that happens here.