Mysterious blue jelly found in yard after storm - 9News
Strange blue jelly balls that a UK homeowner believes fell from the sky during a hailstorm are at the centre of a scientific investigation, as dozens of theories emerge about what the mysterious objects could be.
Puzzle of jelly-like blue balls that fell from the sky solved by ...
Feb 7, 2012 · SCIENTISTS at Bournemouth University have solved the mystery of the blue balls that fell into a garden. Steve Hornsby, 61, found the jelly-like balls scattered in the grass after a hailstorm....
Mysterious Blue Balls Fall from Sky in England - Science Atlas
Dec 20, 2021 · Dorset residents were perplexed when a torrent of blue jelly balls rained down from the heavens. Former aircraft engineer Steve Hornsby described how the sky went a dark yellow colour on Thursday afternoon followed by a torrent of …
Scientists claim 'blue balls rain' mystery solved - Yahoo News
Feb 5, 2012 · Scientists claim to have solved the mystery behind the strange blue jelly balls which 'rained' down on the garden of a UK resident a week ago. Researchers at Bournemouth University say the...
Translucent Blue Spheres Rain Down in the UK, Mystifying Meteorologists
Feb 1, 2012 · Former aircraft engineer Steve Hornsby noticed roughly a dozen of the tiny blue balls scattered around his yard during a fast-breaking hailstorm and had the foresight to grab a jar and a spoon...
The Blobs That Fell from the Sky - Medium
Mar 8, 2019 · On August 7, 1994, a rainstorm unlike any other descended upon the city of Oakville, WA, with a population of 723, unleashing not raindrops but rather these mysteriously translucent, and gelatinous...
'Mystery Goo': Couple Find Jelly Blobs On Patio After Rainstorm
May 24, 2012 · The discovery is reminiscent of the results of a hail storm in Dorset in January, which sent 61-year-old Steve Hornsby running for cover as blue jelly-like balls fell from the skies.
Strange weather - Blue Balls of Jelly Rain - Bizarre Weather - The …
Jan 31, 2012 · The day it rained blue balls of jelly Strange weather occurrences in England this week – with jelly like blue balls falling from the sky. The bizarre balls were discovered by Steve Hornsby, 61, when he was forced to run for cover when the freak weather hit his neighbourhood in Bournemouth, Dorset.
Mystery blue jelly balls fall from the sky - Unexplained Mysteries
Dorset residents were perplexed when a torrent of blue jelly balls rained down from the heavens. Former aircraft engineer Steve Hornsby described how the sky went a dark yellow colour on Thursday afternoon followed by a torrent of what he initially thought to be hailstones.
Mysterious Blue Balls Fall from Sky in England - Live Science
Feb 1, 2012 · A man in Dorset, England, recently found about two dozen mysterious clear blue gel balls in his backyard, setting off an international mystery.
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