Best Canned Food for cats prone to Urinary Blockage/Crystals
May 29, 2015 · He's been on a predominantly wet diet (until recently, it's been mid-high end supermarket brands (mostly fish flavours) - all of which have grain :anon: Even now, those brands feature highly because he's a 13 year old junk food addict ), with a small amount of royal canin urinary s/o kibble (roughly 80%wet to 20%dry). We haven't had any more ...
Best (not pate) wet food | TheCatSite
Apr 23, 2015 · Our cats also love the real-meat shredded foods the previous posters mentioned: Soulistic's Autumn Harvest (or Weruva's equivalent pouch food) and pretty much any of the non-fish foods from Tiki Cat's "luau" and Gourmet Carnivore lines.
Best wet foods without thickeners for IBD cat? | TheCatSite
Aug 30, 2017 · a. Make an effort to eliminate dry food which is never good for any IBD cat. All those carbs feed the wrong bacteria in the cat's gut. b. Add Optagest to her wet food to help her digestion. c. Split her daily food over several small meals fed more frequently rather than two or three a day. My Betty eats five a day.
Anal Glands + Cat Food | TheCatSite
Nov 28, 2018 · If she doesn’t have wet food she throws up 100% of the time. So I feed her wet and dry mix. Her stool is also pretty much liquid and has to have her glands emptied every 6 months. So I wanted to find a 3-1 cat food that can give …
Low Phosphorous Wet Cat Food List | TheCatSite
Aug 4, 2022 · So my cat was diagnosed with CKD last summer and I embarked on a journey of searching for lower phosphorous canned/wet foods for her to eat. (We were aiming for phosphorous content below 0.9% on a dry matter basis.) She had a suspected fish allergy/intolerance, so we also had to be careful about...
Best Brands Of Wet Cat Food | TheCatSite
Jul 27, 2017 · Sounds like you may be more interested in dehydrated raw food. Dehydrated Cat Food - Free shipping at Chewy.com or freeze dried Freeze-Dried Cat Food - Free shipping at Chewy.com. A lot of the dehydrated/freeze dried foods have minimal ingredients and you control the amount of water by re-hydrating prior to serving.
Diet to manage megacolon | TheCatSite
Oct 2, 2009 · We mix it into a small amount of wet food with water ( always trying to add liquids!) We also use 5mg cisapride twice a day, about a 1/2 teaspoon of vaseline mixed in with wet food once a day, and 100ml IV fluid once every three days. Sounds like a lot, but worth it. Our cat is doing great, only needed one enema in the past 12 months. Good luck ...
What High-quality Foods Would You Recommend For Fiv Adult …
Feb 2, 2018 · there are so many foods it can get confusing as what to feed. Anytime i want a new food for my cats i look at a few different places online. one place i use a lot is CatFoodDB - Cat Food Reviews to help you find the best cat food for your cat to compare different foods. i also look on amazon, and Chewy at reviews from others.
Help finding best non prescription food for CKD cat
May 31, 2018 · The best answer to your question is “a food your cat will eat.”. My cat Twyla will never eat enough wet food to meet her caloric needs so I supplement with a dry food. She ate prescription dry for awhile but started not liking it so she …
Wet Food Without Carrageenan Or Guar Gum | TheCatSite
Apr 4, 2019 · They do best on a very meaty, low-carb diet that eliminates or limits potentially inflammatory ingredients. The thickeners in canned foods (whether they're gums, potato, tapioca, or legumes) are one of the big reasons we feed the cats mostly commercial raw and cooked homemade food, plus just one canned meal a day.