BEMER Therapy | Performance & Recovery Muscle Stimulator
BEMER stimulates healthy muscles to improve and facilitate muscle performance. This stimulation temporarily improves local blood circulation — all in just 8 minutes twice a day! For more than 20 years, the benefits of BEMER have impacted millions of people around the world.
Comment ça marche: la science de la thérapie de circulation | BEMER
L’utilisation de la thérapie BEMER pour accroître temporairement la circulation sanguine locale dans des muscles sains peut favoriser les performances musculaires. Découvrez la science derrière la technologie BEMER!
How BEMER Therapy Can Improve Women’s Health
Jun 4, 2021 · BEMER therapy uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to improve women’s health. It has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions. Learn more!
Cómo funciona: la ciencia de la terapia circulatoria | BEMER
El uso de la terapia BEMER para mejorar temporalmente el riego sanguíneo local en músculos sanos puede potenciar el rendimiento muscular. ¡Conozca la evidencia científica detrás de BEMER!
Tecnología BEMER: esteras y máquinas de terapia magnética
Las máquinas BEMER proporcionan una terapia magnética científicamente probada que mejora la circulación y la salud general de forma natural en sólo 8 minutos en nuestra esterilla, dos veces al día.
Why You Need BEMER Therapy in Your Workout Recovery Routine …
Mar 27, 2023 · BEMER therapy can elevate your training, performance, and overall health. Ideally, your recovery plan should include a way to stimulate blood flow in fatigued muscles, rest and relaxation, and plenty of shut-eye.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy Can Enhance Your Health | BEMER …
Jun 30, 2020 · What Does PEMF Therapy Do? PEMF therapy has a number of benefits, but Bemer’s main focus is on aiding in healthy blood circulation on the microcirculatory level. Around 75% of the blood vessels in your body are microvessels, such …
Why Athletes Choose BEMER Therapy
Mar 5, 2021 · That’s why athletes across the globe are choosing BEMER therapy to boost their recovery and maximize their results. Today, we’ll be diving into the game-changing benefits that draw all different types of sports competitors––from former NFL quarterbacks to Olympic snowboarders to ultra-endurance athletes––to make BEMER a part of ...
Revues et témoignages d’experts médicaux sur la thérapie BEMER …
J’aime voir l’amélioration de la santé et de la fonction globale de mes patients en favorisant leur circulation en toute sécurité avec la thérapie BEMER. Triple certification en médecine naturopathique, en médecine chinoise et en acupuncture BEMER ne fournit pas de conseils ni de services médicaux.
BEMER Therapy - Performance and Recovery Muscle Stimulator
BEMER machines act as a muscle stimulator to improve circulation, performance and recovery. BEMER therapy takes just 8 minutes on a mat, twice daily.