Beetroot - Wikipedia
The plant is a root vegetable also known as the table beet, garden beet, dinner beet, or else categorized by color: red beet or golden beet. It is also a leaf vegetable called beet greens. …
Know your Vegetables - Beetroot Family - Google Sites
The Beetroot Family, Chenopodioideae, is a subfamily of the flowering plant family Amaranthaceae. It includes herbaceous plants and shrubs, sometimes succulent. The species …
Beet | Description, Root, Leaf, Nutrition, & Facts | Britannica
4 days ago · beet, (Beta vulgaris), one of the four cultivated forms of the plant Beta vulgaris of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae), grown for its edible leaves and taproot. Beetroots are …
Beta vulgaris - Wikipedia
It has several cultivar groups: the sugar beet, of greatest importance to produce table sugar; the root vegetable known as the beetroot or garden beet; the leaf vegetable known as chard or …
Beta vulgaris | Description, Plant, Forms, Varieties, Uses, & Facts ...
Beta vulgaris, flowering plant of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) widely grown for the edible leaves and roots of its four cultivated forms.
24 Types of Beetroot (Beets) – Characteristics & Pictures
Nov 5, 2024 · The beetroot or beet is the taproot portion of a Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris plant in the Conditiva Group. The plant is a root vegetable also known as the table beet, garden beet, …
Beta (plant) - Wikipedia
Beta is a genus in the flowering plant family Amaranthaceae. The best known member is the common beet, Beta vulgaris, but several other species are recognised. Almost all have …
Know your Vegetables - Know your Beetroot - Google Sites
The beetroot (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. vulgaris), also known as the table beet, garden beet, red beet or informally simply as beet, is one of the many cultivated varieties of...
Beet | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation
Beets, Beta vulgaris, are herbaceous biennial root vegetables in the family Chenopodiaceae grown for their edible root and young leaves. The plant is usually erect with a long main root …
Beetroot: Origin, Production and Breeding Methods | India
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris ssp vulgaris, 2n = 2x= 18) is an important vegetable crop in eastern and central Europe and belongs to family Chenopodiaceae. It is known as garden beet or red beet …