Infantry Specific Accouterments - Marlow White
How is the shoulder cord worn? The shoulder cord is worn on the right shoulder of the Army Green, Blue and White uniform coats, and the AG 415 shirts. The cord is passed under the arm and over the right shoulder under the shoulder loop, and …
Army Shoulder Cords & Color Meanings – USAMM
Apr 5, 2024 · The Army Shoulder Cord is intended to be worn on the Class A dress blue uniform jacket or Class B shirt. According to the most recent version of the Army Regulation 670-1 (AR 670-1), the blue infantry cord is the only shoulder cord …
This guide contains illustrations and instructions for the placement of insignia and useful tips on how to wear the Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU).
Distinctive Items Authorized for Infantry Personnel - AR670.com
Dec 21, 2018 · The shoulder cord is worn on the right shoulder of the Army green, blue, and white uniform coats, and the AG 415 shirts. The cord is passed under...
Infantry Shoulder Cord - Wikipedia
The Infantryman Shoulder Cord is a United States military decoration worn over the right shoulder of all infantry-qualified U.S. Army soldiers.
Mar 30, 2021 · This is not Policy, just a general overview/guide to the updated wear of the AGSU Class B. Please refer to ALARACT for specific guidance and utilize DA PAM 670-1 (26 JAN 2021) for specifics on...
Army Shoulder Cords | USAMM
According to the most recent version of the Army Regulation 670-1 (AR 670-1), the blue infantry cord is the only shoulder cord currently authorized for wear on any Army uniform. The other colored cords, corresponding to the different army branches, can be authorized by unit commanders to be worn during particular events.
Ensure that commanders of ARNG divisions, separate brigades, infantry regiments, the infantry scout group, and State adjutants general for separate infantry battalions and companies authorize wear...
The U.S. Army Male Enlisted Green Service Uniform (AGSU) is nearly identical to the AGSU worn by Officers, with the primary differences being the addition of shoulder loops on Officer AGSU shirts and the lack of braid on the sleeves of the Enlisted AGSU Coat.
U.S. Army Infantry Blue Cord - Military Dress Uniform Shoulder Cord
BRAND NEW U.S. Army Shoulder Cord for Infantry. Historically worn on the ASU Army Service Uniform and Class A Dress Green Uniform by Infantry Army Soldiers. Products showing as "In Stock" on the product page are shipped within 1 business day in most cases.