File a Claim | Aflac
File your claim via fax or mail. Consider filing online for faster claims payment! Download form
Filing Wellness Benefit Claims | Aflac
Filing your wellness benefit claim has never been easier. Register your account at aflac.com/login to access and manage your coverage, submit and track claims and more. Aflac provides supplemental insurance for individuals and groups to help …
File via Fax or Mail - MyAflac Resources | Aflac
To get started, select your state and download a claim form. To file your claim via fax or mail, simply download the appropriate forms below, and send to us with all necessary supporting documentation.
Filing Claims | Aflac Group
Direct Deposit of Claims Payment Form. To have your claims payment direct deposited, please download and fill out this Electronic Funds Transaction Authorization form. This form may be used on all product claims except Group Term Life, Group Whole Life and AD&D claims. Once complete, please return it to: Continental American Insurance Company
[email protected] . WELLNESS AND HEALTHSCREENING CLAIM FORM . Failure to completeall sections may result in delayed processing of this claim. Review your policy for specific benefits covered under your plan. AUTHORIZATION. Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company, files a statement of claim
PolicyholderInformation:This*denotesarequiredfield. *PolicyNumber: / / - --Anypersonwhoknowinglyandwithintenttodefraudanyinsurancecompanyorotherpersonfilesan
CANCERSCREENINGBENEFITCLAIMFORM Tofileyourclaimonline,uploaddocumentationonanexistingclaim,checkclaimstatusorgetpaidfastby signingupfordirectdeposit,registeronAflac ...
File a Claim Checklist for Aflac's policyholders using Aflac's ...
File a Claim Checklist for our policyholders. Learn which items are required to use Aflac's SmartClaim system to file a claim. Aflac provides supplemental insurance for individuals and groups to help pay benefits major medical doesn't cover.
HOSPITAL INDEMNITY CLAIM FORM INSTRUCTIONS . To avoid delays in processing of your claim form, complete each section attaching documentation below when it applies. Supporting Documentation Needed Itemized bill if there was a hospital stay (UB04 from the hospital or medical facility)
PolicyholderInformation:This*denotesarequiredfield. *PolicyNumber: / / - --PatientInformation: *LastName Suffix *FirstName MI *DateofBirth(mm/dd/yy ...