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City Services - Abbotsford
Contacts. Search our staff and department directory to connect with someone today! Contact Us
Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw, 2014 In accordance with the Local Government Act, Abbotsford City Council will hold a Council Meeting to consider the following bylaws on the date, time and location noted below. This meeting will be streamed live and archived on the City’s website at abbotsford.ca/watchcouncilonline Council Meeting Date/Time/Location
WebMap | City of Abbotsford
WebMap is the City of Abbotsford’s interactive mapping tool. It allows the user to: view properties showing various layers such as the current Air Photo or city utilities
Visit abbotsford.ca/committee to review the committee descriptions, and terms of references. Applications may be submitted via any of the following methods: • Complete the online form at abbotsford.ca/CommitteeApplication • Email a hardcopy form to [email protected] • Mail or hand deliver a hardcopy form to:
Property Taxes | City of Abbotsford
The City of Abbotsford is required to collect property taxes on behalf of the Province of BC and other authorities including the School District, BC Assessment, Municipal Finance Authority, Fraser Valley Regional District, Fraser Valley Regional Hospital District and Business Improvement Areas. 35 cents of each dollar the City collects is ...
Home Owner Grant | City of Abbotsford
The home owner grant application process has changed. City of Abbotsford cannot process your Home Owner Grant. Everyone will now apply directly to the Province using a new online system that's easy to use and will process applications faster. HOW TO APPLY: ONLINE: gov.bc.ca/homeownergrant CALL: 1-888-355-2700 Home Owner Grant
The City of Abbotsford is situated in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia and covers approximately 389 km². With approximately 72% of the City land base located within the Agricultural Land Reserve, Abbotsford is
Community Planning | City of Abbotsford
Community Planning focuses on preparing and updating land use plans, strategies, policies, regulations, and special studies to guide the location and construction of new development in Abbotsford.
Development Data | City of Abbotsford
32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W7. Ph: 604-864-5510 Fax: 604-853-4981 Email us. Development Data. The City is working on a variety of Development Applications; here are the most common one's instream or recently approved.