Gadaa - Wikipedia
Gadaa [1] (pronounced "Geda" meaning "The Gateway" in Oromoo language) is the indigenous system of governance used by the Oromos in Ethiopia and northern Kenya. [1] It is also practiced by the Konso , Burji and Gedeo people of southern Ethiopia.
Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa - Wikipedia
Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa Baha Oromiyaa, konyaa Gaara Mul’ataa ganda Mudiir Gooroo keessatti abbaasaa Ibraahim Hamiid fi harmeesaa Moominaa Eeboo irraa bara 1936 dhalatan.Yeroo umuriin barnootaf ga'us mana barumsaa galanii barachuu eegalan. Mana barumsaa sadarkaa olaanaa Harar keessatti yeroo baratan, baratoonni saboota biroo akka Amaaraa, Hararii fi kkf yeroo ayyaanaa walaloo fi sirba aadaa ...
Abdulkarim Ibrahim Hamid, who is popularly known as Jarra Abba Gadaa, was a long-standing Oromo nationalist. His death a few days ago was a great loss for his family, for all those who knew him, for our people and for all freedom loving people everywhere.
Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa - Wikipedia
Abdulkariem Ibrahim Hamid, more commonly known by his nom de guerre Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa, was an Ethiopian guerrilla commander and one of the first leaders of the Oromo Liberation Front. [1] In 1985, Jarrah and his allies slipt off from the OLF to form the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia (IFLO), Adda Islaamummaa Bilisummaa Oromoo (AIBO).
Jara Abba Gadaa: a hero and legend in his own time
Mar 7, 2013 · (OPride) — Abdulkarim Ibrahim Hamid, who is popularly known as Jarra Abba Gadaa, was a long-standing Oromo nationalist. His death a few days ago was a great loss for his family, for all those who knew him, for our people and for all freedom loving people everywhere.
The Man Who Lived His Dream- An Assessment of Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa…
Feb 1, 2019 · In 1966, Jaarraa Abba Gadaa and his few men went to join the armed revolt of the Bale people which was lead by famous patriots like Waaqoo Guutuu, Waaqoo Luugoo and Aliyi Cirrii. There, Jaarraa demonstrated his bravery earning …
Jara Abba Gadaa, Oromo freedom icon, dies at 77
(OPride) — Sheikh Abdulkarim Ibrahim Hamid, better known with his nom de guerre as Jara Abba Gadaa, a relentless Oromo freedom fighter and one of the founding members of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), died yesterday of kidney failure at a hospital in Yemen. He was 77.
Gadaa: Symbol of Democratic and Peaceful Society - Curate Oromia
Mar 3, 2024 · Outgoing Abba Gadaa, Jilo Mando, on the power transfer ceremony on Feb. 21, 2024. On February 21, 2024, the 75 th Guji Oromo Gadaa power transfer was peacefully concluded, demonstrating the democratic nature of the Gadaa system and signifying the people’s commitment to peace.
Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa biyya Yaman magaalaa sana'aatti dhukkubsatee yaallamaa ture gaafa Bitootessa 4, 2013 du'aan darbe. Reeffi Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa gaafa Bitootessa 7, 2013 gara biyyaa deebi'e. Gaafa Bitootessa 8, 2013, reefisaa magaalaa Wataritti awwallame. Jaarraan qabsoo Oromoo keessatti gumaacha godheen yoomiyyuu yaaddatamaa jiraata.
Introduction to the Gadaa System with Deribie M. Demmeksa
The Abbaa Gadaa, the senior hayyuu, or the Bokkuu chair the Caffee. A hereditary Abbaa Muudaa, who is apolitical, chairs the Assemblies of the Qaalluu. The pan-Oromo Caffee is the supreme authority.
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