ACOG - Rainbow Six Wiki
The ACOG Scope is a weapon attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and returns in the same configuration in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. The ACOG replaces a weapon's default iron sights and adds a 4x scope that the player is able to view through. The ACOG Scope can only be equipped to assault rifles in-game.
Scope | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
The Telescopic A scope is a weapon attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Shadow Legacy expansion. [1] As with other optic sights, it replaces the default iron sight and provides a 3.5x magnification for players to view through. Unlike the Telescopic B, the Telescopic A scope features a much slimmer ...
What operators in Siege will get an ACOG with Year 9?
Jun 28, 2024 · At the Six Invitational 2024, Ubisoft announced the return of the ACOG. While the famous scope had never left the game completely, the number of operators with access to it will increase significantly with Rainbow Six Siege’s Year 9. In case you’re wondering if Ash’s R4C AGOC will return to the game, keep on reading as you will be surprised.
Rainbow Six Siege sights overhaul: 1.5x, 2.0x, and 3.0x detailed
Aug 26, 2020 · The ACOG's reign of terror is over, here are the three new scope types coming to Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six:ACOG - The Tom Clancy Wiki
The ACOG Scope is a weapon attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and returns in the same configuration in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. The ACOG replaces a weapon's default iron sights and adds a 4x scope that the player is able to view through.
Dev Blog: Sights & Scopes in Y5S3 - Ubisoft
With Y5S3 we'll make changes to our optics by adding new sights and scopes, modifying existing scopes and redistributing them across all operators and weapons. On top of that we'll also provide you with more accessibility and customization options.
Rainbow 6 Siege Best Sights (Ranked) - Guide And What To Use
Aug 5, 2023 · The scope 2.5x A is a great sight to have because of its advanced zoom level and its reticle. Its reticle is not a center dot, yes, but it's just a pointed arrow at the center that clearly shows you your target.
is the ACOG still the best scope? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
Dec 2, 2023 · If you want a lot of zoom, 2x is so much better and even the 3x (only available on DMRs) is better than acog. 1x sights and 1.5x scope are much more versatile than the acog so theyre the most popular picks. ever since zero was introduced i cant hit anything with acogs. i just use low sens 1.5 and it feels the best. Not really.
Why exactly is ACOG so good? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
The acog is a 4x scope and all the other sights are 1x meaning they have no zoom. because it's the only sight that can zoom, the other ones only provide the reticle. I'm still relatively new to siege but constantly hear people saying ACOG is so great. I haven't used it …
What is the best ACOG sight : r/RainbowSixSiege - Reddit
May 28, 2024 · ACOG scopes are all preference, although I would strongly recommend not using the old 1.5 one, the reticle size is terrible. I personally like ACOG C because I like the dot in the center, rather than the line ACOG B gives you.