How the Rag-tag Circus begged, borrowed, and stole vehicles …
Aug 19, 2022 · This is where the 83 rd would come to notoriety as the “Rag-tag Circus.” Once American forces crossed the Rhine in March 1945, it became an all-out sprint for Berlin with the fast-moving Armored Divisions of the 12 th Army Group leading the way.
83rd Infantry Division (United States) - Wikipedia
During the rush to the Elbe river, wartime correspondents nicknamed the 83rd "The Rag-Tag Circus" [12] due to its resourceful commander, Major General Robert C. Macon, ordering the supplementing of the division's transport with anything that moved, "no questions asked".
With the “Ragtag Circus” Across Europe: The Story of Frank Fauver
Jul 25, 2018 · The division fought against 36 major units of German infantry, panzer, and parachute divisions in eight major battles and fired off almost 22 million small-arms and mortar rounds. The 83rd’s losses were heavy, with 3,161 killed in action, 11,807 wounded, and another 459 who died from their wounds.
The Rag Tag Circus: The American Army's 83rd Infantry Division
Jul 21, 2015 · Learn more about one of the most interesting units of WWII; the 83rd Infantry, otherwise known as the Thunderbolt Division, otherwise known as the "Rag Tag Circus".
THE RAGTAG CIRCUS - indianamilitary.org
THE RAGTAG CIRCUS: The regiment's biggest problem was transportation. It had only enough trucks to move one battalion at a time and, as supply problems increased with the distance, ten of these trucks were detached to haul supplies.
The Rag-Tag Circus, Stars and Stripes Author: Ernest Leiser. Document provided by Greg Chips; son of 1st Richard E. Chipps Subject: 83rd Infantry Division Created Date: 9/12/2011 12:35:33 PM Keywords
5 Reasons Every Nazi Feared Death by Thunderbolt
The mighty Thunderbolts of the 83rd, the men of the “Rag-Tag Circus,” saw devastating things from the unnerving days of Normandy to the sure days east of the Elbe.
Tom's Tales: Rag-Tag Circus
It was seventy years ago in early April 1945 that the US 83rd Infantry Division was given the nick-name “Rag-Tag Circus.” Originally known as the Ohioan from when the division was originally activated in 1917 at which time it consisted of men from primarily from Ohio.
Brothers-In-Arms: 83rd Division, 331st Infantry - kb8tt.net
The 329th lead the way most of the time and gained fame as the "Rag-Tag Circus" as they rode through the German provinces on tanks, motorcycles, jalopies, and any other means of transportation they could find.
“The Rag-Tag Circus” - Ultimate Flags Blog
In fourteen days the 83rd covered 280 miles, freed 75,000 Allied POW s and liberated several concentration camps. The papers called them “crack troops of the 83d,” and “ace shock troops,” but to those watching them it was “The Rag-Tag Circus.”