7405 - 7405 Hex Inverter with Open Collector Output Datasheet …
Recommended Operating Conditions. Electrical Characteristics. Switching Characteristics at Vcc=5V,Ta=25°C.
7400 Series Guide: 74HC05/74LS05 (Hex open-collector inverters)
The 74HC05 comes in a 14-pin package. First, you need to connect it to power. Then you can use any of the gates inside it. Most 7400 ICs support a VCC voltage of 5V. One difference to make note of between the HC and LS versions is that 74HC05 supports 2V to …
This device contains six independent gates each of which performs the logic INVERT function. The open-collector out-puts require external pull-up resistors for proper logical op- eration.
SN7405 Datasheet(PDF) - Texas Instruments
Description: HEX INVERTER WITH OPEN-COLLECTOR OUTPUTS. Manufacturer: Texas Instruments.
SN54LS05, SN54S05, SN7405, SN74LS05, SN74S05 datasheet (Rev
Pin numbers shown are for the D, DB, J, N, and NS packages. Resistor values shown are nominal. † Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause …
74 Series Logic ICs - Electronics Club
Rapid Electronics: 74 series ICs. This page covers a selection of the many ICs in the 74 series, concentrating on the most useful gates, counters, decoders and display drivers. For each IC there is a diagram showing the pin arrangement and brief notes explain the …
DM7405 Hex Inverters with Open-Collector Outputs. General Description. This device contains six independent gates each of which performs the logic INVERT function. The open-collector out- puts require external pull-up resistors for proper logical op- eration. Pull-Up Resistor Equations.
DM7405 Hex Inverters with Open-Collector Outputs. General Description. This device contains six independent gates each of which performs the logic INVERT function. The open-collector outputs require external pull-up resistors for proper logical operation. Pull-Up Resistor Equations.
TTL ICs 74xx Series Appendix: Pin Out Diagrams - BragitOff.com
Here is a list of ICs (Integrated Circuits of the series 74xx) with their Number and Functions. The links will take you to their Pin Out Diagrams. As a Physics student I always felt the need of a quick reference hand/pocket-book while carrying out the practicals in my electronics lab.
Pinout Diagram (Top View) See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 5 of this data sheet. Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device.