Your poppy seed tea recipe - Bluelight.org
May 18, 2022 · a. Other strains of poppy seeds such as Orientale, Rhosea, etc. do not produce the alkaloids we desire for this tea. Papaver Somniferum seeds are pale blue to dark blue or black in color. Some common poppy seeds (without opiate alkaloids) are reddish-brown in color. b. Fresh, good Papaver Somniferum seeds smell ‘earthy’, much like dirt or soil.
True opium powder from poppy seeds.. - Bluelight.org
May 12, 2007 · 300gs of poppy seeds locally 91% Isoprophyl Alcohol locally Took the seeds and poured them into a jar, then filled up the jar with enough alcohol to cover 1-2cm above the seeds. He then shook the bottle for 5 minutes, let it settle for a minute. Then he took a white pyrex bowl, poured the seeds\alcohol into a sock to strain out the liquid.
Opioids - Can you SMOKE poppy seeds? | Bluelight.org
May 22, 2020 · It takes 1-3 pounds of unwashed poppy seeds to make one reasonably psychoactive dose of poppy seed tea, equivalent to perhaps 90mg of morphine. A tobacco pipe holds perhaps 0.5 tsp. Poppy seeds do not burn very well. Not that I have tried, I can just tell. Morphine has a moderate half-life.... Smoke away. Would you like directions to The Lounge?
Poppy seeds to get an opiate buzz? First time! | Bluelight.org
Jan 22, 2009 · Basically small amounts of opium latex can be found on the outsides of poppy seeds, and washing removes some of this latex. One study found a gram of washed poppy seeds had on average around 33 mcg (micrograms) of morphine and 14 mcg codeine, and unwashed seeds to have up to 10 times more morphine/codeine (occasionally even more). So, as others ...
Poppy seeds - Bluelight.org
Apr 1, 2004 · ..Hmm. Where to start. Well, I had decided to become disinterested in attempting to make tea from just Poppy seeds due to people's negative opinions about it. However, after my friend bought a bunch to grow this summer, he made 75g into a tea and drank it. He called me up and swore he felt like he took up to 15mgs of Hydrocodone.
Poppy Seed Tea - Right Method Of Preparation? | Bluelight.org
Jul 27, 2007 · My first time with poppy seeds, my tolerence is 20mg methadone a day. I bought a 1lb bag of poppy seeds. I put the seeds (a cup full) in a cup, put water to a boil...let the water settle until it wasn't boiling anymore or it was HARDLY boiling, and then poured it over the glass with the seeds, I then covered the cup with a small plate to create ...
Poppy Seed Tea... - Bluelight.org
Jan 28, 2011 · Shitty Poppy Seeds Poppy seed tea. Has anyone given it a try? The general consensus is that it isn't worth the effort in Australia anymore with supermarket poppy seeds. They are too thoroughly washed/irradiated etc. Possibly still an option if you can get poorly washed seeds in bulk or can get your hands on pods.
"Hoyts" brand poppy seeds - Bluelight.org
May 17, 2004 · Ive had seeds a few times in the past, and I'd have to agree with mongman about the variance in strength. The first time I just "tested the water" with around 170g of seeds, and felt sweet fuck all. The next time I got the same brand, same amount and was planning on doin an extraction on 340g.
Homemade Morphine from Poppy Seeds - Bluelight.org
Nov 27, 2011 · So, in general SWIM will be using 1.2kgs of opium poppy seeds and will use calcium carbonate and ammonium chloride to extract the morphine base, then use HCl to make in into pure white morphine Hydrochloride. But the more detailed description SWIM forund on the net which SWIM altered, is here: Papaver Somniferum: Poppy seeds 1.2kg Water
Poppy Seed Tea - Bluelight.org
Apr 19, 2007 · Apparently darker colored poppy seeds are the ones to go for. I've obtained some seeds that are completely untreated, they are very black. Not grey/blueish like the ones in the supermarkets. I'm going to be trying some organic sources soon. In terms of organic sources, does anyone know if these guys are actually licensed to grow this stuff?