Solved: Lat/Long unit conversion with Arcade - Esri Community
Oct 11, 2018 · The actual code starts on line 17 where a list is created containing the lat and lon converted from the X and Y extracted from the geometry. On line 18 the lat and lon values are passed to the CreateWazeURL function and the URL …
Solved: Geometry union at antimeridian - Esri Community
Nov 23, 2023 · As you can see, if you put this on a simple cartesian plane, they won't intersect. You can add some functionality to adjust the geometries one rotation around the world to the east or west to get what you're looking for like so:
Solved: Calculate Geometry Coordinate System - Esri Community
Sep 15, 2023 · If the coordinate system is geographic, then you would specify a projected coordinate system to get planar geometry measures. If your coordinate is already projected, such as in a UTM projection, then specifying a State Plane/Modified Transverse mercator, you would get slightly different planar measures since scale factors of the central ...
Arcade Script For Converting From State Plane to D ... - Esri …
Hi, I found this code that I copied from copilot and modified for my specific needs and works exactly as needed. Just thought to share if anyone is interested. // Constants for NAD83 Georgia West (FIPS 1002) var A = 6378137.0; // Semi-major axis for NAD83 var F …
Calculate Geometry Attributes not showing all geometry options
Aug 31, 2023 · I'm looking for the 'Minimum x-coordinate' property that supposedly needs a field with data type set to Double, according to this article: Calculate Geometry Attributes (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation. My Min-X field is empty & data type is Double, so I'm not sure why it's not showing up as a property for the Geometry attribute.
Area Calculations Not Returning Correct Value - Esri Community
Dec 14, 2022 · If I change the coordinate system of the map to State Plane, which is the coordinate system of the source geometry, the Arcade function returns the expected area value, but the manual conversion is still way off, see screenshots below. Label …
Solved: Using Arcade to calculate xy geometry. - Esri Community
Nov 21, 2019 · For this in ArcGIS Pro, you can use Python to do the job. Using a projection in a field calculation on a feature basis, might not be very fast. Depending the number of features you have, you might first want to project the featureclass, calculate the X and Y of the geometry and than join back those fields to the original featureclass.
Solved: Using 'projectAs()' Point Geometry Function Via Py... - Esri ...
The GCS 1927 was populated with one point using the lon/lat in your script. The state plane was placed in a new map. When adding the GCS 1927 layer a transformation dialog was presented. If no transformation was selected, the GCS 1927 point was placed over the state plane point located at 1070240.5212705112, 6890805.12915604.
Solved: conversion form WGS84 Web Mercator (auxiliary sphe.
Aug 25, 2021 · Hi everyone, We have been collecting data with a GPS unit in NAD 1983 (2011) StatePlane New York East FIPS 3101 (US Feet). Then the Collector for ArcGIS App were converting this to WGS84 Web Mercator (auxiliary sphere) as it was using ESRI basemaps. Now I am trying to project the GPSd data to NAD 19...
Auto Populate Lat / Long Fields in ArcGIS Pro - Esri Community
Oct 17, 2024 · Is there a way to auto populate Lat / Long coordinates in decimal degrees in ArcGIS Pro? We have deployed ESRI's Address Data Management solution and use that to assign and maintain our address points and road centerlines. In the attribute rules, I have added one to try and populate the coordinate...