opencv - 3D rigid/affine transformation - Stack Overflow
Sep 16, 2014 · OK, can I put it this way: the estimateAffine3D function in OpenCV only estimates 3D translation and rotation while shearing and scaling appear in 2D is achieved by the 3D translation and rotation. Therefore, the function doesn't estimate the true 3D affine transformation which includes 3D shearing and scaling.
3D rendering in OpenCV - Stack Overflow
May 5, 2014 · I am doing a project on 3D rendering of a scene. I am using OpenCV. The steps I am doing are like this: Taking two images of a scene. Calculating object correspondence using SURF feature matching.
OpenCV : Building a simple 3d model - Stack Overflow
Apr 17, 2013 · I Have decided to use OpenCV to build a 3d scene by using a series of 2D Images. I found the example code that came with OpenCV [ build3dmodel.cpp Here ]. I just want to run this once and see what...
opencv - Converting a 2D image point to a 3D world point - Stack …
Jan 25, 2013 · Using opencv I can estimate the pattern's pose, giving the translation and rotation matrices needed to project a point on the object to a pixel in the image. Now: this 3d to image projection is easy, but how about the other way? If I pick a pixel in the image that I know is part of the calibration pattern, how can I get the corresponding 3d point?
opencv - Computing 3D coordinates of keypoints in multiple …
Mar 4, 2019 · On these images I can find matching keypoints using SIFT or SURF, and some matching algorithm, this is basic OpenCV. But how do I do the 3D reconstruction of these points from multiple images?
Translating and Rotating an Image in 3D using OpenCV
Aug 5, 2015 · Given a 3 x 3 rotation matrix,R, and a 3 x 1 translation matrix,T, I am wondering how to multiply the T and R matrices to an image? Lets say the Iplimage img is 640 x 480. What I want to do is R*...
python - Steps for 3D Reconstruction? - Stack Overflow
Apr 9, 2020 · The way I tried is, the first 4 steps were the same, but for calculating the 3d point I used the stereo matching algorithms that are present in OpenCV. Algorithms like StereoBM, StereoSGBM are implemented in OpenCV and it has provided an easy to use APIs.
three-dimensional arrays in c++ with openCV - Stack Overflow
Jul 10, 2014 · You cannot (should not) declare an array like 3D with non-constant size. This array is allocated on the heap. Instead, you should allocate it using operator new. Alternatively, you can create a 3D matrix in OpenCV using the number of channels as the 3rd dimension. But keep in mind in the number of dimensions is limited in cv::Mat (CV_MAX_CN =512 if I remember well). Here is how to do it ...
3D scanning possible with OpenCV? - Stack Overflow
Sep 2, 2014 · I done a stereo vision project and while 3d scanning wasn't the aim the calibration files generated using the chessboard. Just for fun i put the point clouds into a 3rd party 3d modelling software and although the image was pretty bad you could make out some depth. Cameras were in a very low resolution like 640 x 480. So i think it's possible but you need to use as high a resolution as ...
opencv - 3D image rotation in python - Stack Overflow
Jan 16, 2018 · Determine the model-to-image homography matrix and render with OpenCV using warpPerspective. The advantage of this is that it can be done in a few lines without breaking into rendering software.