Lifeway publishes biblically accurate and engaging resources and produce events you can trust for every age group and ministry in your church. We resource pastors and men’s and women’s ministries as well as age-specific ministries for Sunday school classes, small groups, Bible study groups, and individuals.
Lifeway offers a variety of Christian Bible studies lessons for small group, women's ministry and Sunday school. Browse our selection of Bible Study lessons!
Two Churches Becoming a Ministry! This ministry is dedicated to bringing glory to God and uplifting those who are on their journey from earth to glory. While no one can trap lightning in a bottle, we seek the face of God to personally show up and speak to our needs in every gathering.
Lifeway Women provides biblical solutions for churches, small groups and individuals, engaging women to know Jesus, to seek His kingdom and be spiritually transformed and equipped for service. At Lifeway, we are women just like you.