The Loop - map of The Loop in Chicago, Illinois - Chicago map
This page offers you detailed map of this area of Chicago and some basic information that can be useful for your visit. Note that The Loop district is also part of Google streetview maps so you can browse to our The Loop streetview map to see the place virtually.
Chicago Loop - Wikipedia
Since the 1920s, the area bounded by the Chicago River to the west and north, Lake Michigan to the east, and Roosevelt Road (12th Street) to the south is called the Loop.
A brief history and guide to City of Chicago streets and an explanation of how street addresses are laid out. Learn how to locate any street on the city grid.
The Loop - streetview map of The Loop in Chicago, Illinois - Chicago …
The Loop is district in Chicago metropolitan area. This page brings you detailed map of this part of Chicago with streetview offering opportunity to walk around the district virtually to see how the neigbourhood looks like.
What is the Loop? - Loop Chicago
Many of the most iconic sites in Chicago are located in the Loop, including Cloud Gate (“the Bean”) in Millennium Park, Chicago Theatre, Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower), Chicago Board of Trade, Picasso and Calder statues, Lakefront Trail, and the Riverwalk.
Loop Map - Chicago, Illinois, USA - Mapcarta
The Loop is the central business district of Chicago, bounded by the Chicago River to the north and west, Harrison Street to the south, and Lake Michigan to the east.
Loop Chicago
Explore the Chicago Loop, Chicago's official downtown. Find the best shopping, dining, experiences, businesses and so much more in Everyone's Neighborhood, the Chicago Loop.
Roads and expressways in Chicago - Wikipedia
Roads and expressways in Chicago summarizes the main thoroughfares and the numbering system used in Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Chicago's streets were laid out in a grid that grew from the city's original townsite plan platted by James Thompson.
Explore Chicago Loop | Guide to Downtown Chicago | Tours, …
The Loop is the heart of the city and it’s bursting with iconic Chicago attractions, including historic architecture, river cruises, Millennium Park, the Chicago Riverwalk, a vibrant theatre district, incredible dining, shopping along State Street…and that’s just for starters.
The Loop | Neighborhoods | Chicago by 'L' | WTTW Chicago
Bordered by the Chicago River to the north and west, Lake Michigan to the east, and Roosevelt Road to the south, the Loop is Chicago’s downtown and is packed with history, architecture, and culture. Before it became a city, the area was home to the Potawatomi Native Americans.