If you’re thinking of planting for pollinators this spring, I will be teaching a one-hour class at the Columbus Public ...
The bands, which have been called "brilliant" and "genius", look just like a piece of electrical wire. As it turns out, ...
Depending on the size and variety of the pear tree, expect it to bear fruit between three to seven years of age. “You can ...
“If you follow the instructions, your grafted plants will produce high quality fruits and reduce the maturing time. If an ...
If you love fresh fruit but don't have much space, many dwarf fruit trees are available that fit well in today’s compact ...
Q. I thought Natal Plum was frost-tender, but I’ve seen it survive several winters where frost occurs regularly. Is there a ...
Alaskans interested in growing tree fruit such as apples, cherries and plums can join a free, statewide webinar with Mark ...
People interested in growing their own fruit will have the chance to learn from experts at an upcoming workshop in Watkins ...
Stone Temple Baptist Church was counting on the funds to plant trees in its community garden, which provides healthy options ...