Nearly four years ago, in the aftermath of the state’s most destructive wildfires in history, the Oregon Legislature passed a bipartisan package of wildfire prevention initiatives, including one that ...
The Ashland lawmaker wants the map to designate the risk level of broad areas rather than naming the risk of individual ...
Nearly four years ago, in the aftermath of the state’s most destructive wildfires in history, the Oregon Legislature passed a ...
Nearly four years ago, in the aftermath of the state’s most destructive wildfires in history, the Oregon Legislature passed a ...
Opponents of the bill say lowering the tax would be a huge budget blow and bolster wealthy families staying that way.
State lawmakers are working on several bills that would ease the planning, siting, permitting and building of transmission ...
Agricultural damage is common in armed conflict, and has been documented with satellite analysis in Ukraine since the 2022 ...
The Oregonian/OregonLive has created a new interactive map for readers that shows how much snow fell recently in specific ...