Friends of Big Bear Valley announced the pipping news on Facebook​ late Thursday morning. "Today at 10:21 we spotted Pip ...
Jackie and Shadow are now the proud parents of two eaglets who have hatched as thousands tune in to a livestream of an eagle ...
Thousands who have been watching the eagles' nest on a webcam got to see a hatchling emerge, with glimpses of tiny feathers ...
It's an exciting start to the week for Big Bear's beloved bald eagles as two out of three of Jackie and Shadow's eggs appear ...
Kelvin Kuo is a Sports photo editor at the Los Angeles Times. He finds a passion in inspiring people through photography.
Bald eagles Jackie and Shadow are officially parents after years of trying for a baby in their Southern California nest. The ...
Parents Jackie and Shadow still have one egg to tend to, hopeful that a trio of eaglets will complete their new family.
Celebrity bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow are preparing to hatch triplets in their California nest following last year's ...
Beloved bald eagle parents Jackie and Shadow may be parents again after two eggs have started to hatch in their Southern ...
After several years of disappointment, there was a sign Sunday that the Big Bear bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow may soon ...
The bald eagle couple have two chicks and a third egg in their nest, which is now blanketed in snow. Experts say they should ...
Jackie and Shadow are the most famous bald eagles thanks to a live web camera operated by “Friends of Big Bear Valley.” ...