V pripomienkovom konaní zožal projekt elektrárne Málinec kritiku, zapojili sa desiatky tisíc ľudí aj viaceré štátne subjekty.
Prečo Robert Fico odišiel zo samitu skôr, doposiaľ nevysvetlil. Aktuality.sk sa s otázkami obrátili aj na úrad vlády, ktorý ...
24hod.sk - Fico: Blíži sa definitívne rozuzlenie krízy v Hlase a SNS - Smer je podľa neho je pripravený na všetky varianty.
Informácia o príprave zrušenia Agentúry USA pre medzinárodný rozvoj (USAID), ktorá je určená na pomoc pre zahraničie, je ...
The first months of Fico's comeback were marked by the dismantling of law-enforcement institutions and radical changes to the ...
BRATISLAVA - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has written a letter to Elon Musk complaining about the subsidies and grants that the USAID agency has provided to NGOs, media outlets, and specific ...
The Slovak government banned a Georgian military volunteer from entering the country as Prime Minister Robert Fico claimed ...
24hod.sk - Premiér Fico napísal list Muskovi, je ochotný sa s ním stretnúť a riešiť zneužívanie zahraničných fondov - ...
Today in Slovakia - the main news of the day in a few minutes.USAID money used in Slovakia for political purposes, claims PM Fico in letter to Elon Musk Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer) has sent a ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico has outlined plans to amend Slovakia’s constitution, framing the move as a defence against ...
The Slovak Spectator on MSN12dOpinion
Pulling an old trick, even PM Fico makes a play for snap elections
Robert Fico does not even pretend he is expecting anything less than snap elections. Just before the last weekend, he saw the most massive protests since 2018 (when journalist Ján Kuciak was murdered ...
Slovakia on Friday banned a Georgian military volunteer who has been fighting in Ukraine and nine other people from entering ...