The assembled mourners heard a succession of Sir Winston's favourite hymns, including Fight the Good ... when he wrote on January 26: 'We shall never see another Churchill because the challenges ...
Discovery of Unity Mitford’s long-lost diaries provides fresh insight into the infatuation of the fuhrer’s ‘English ...
When Winston Churchill ... of Irish support in war, which Churchill saw as dishonoured by the wartime neutrality. Even that did not make him anti-Irish. In his speech on VE day upbraiding de ...
For example, it is used in this famous speech by Prime Minister, Winston Churchill during World War Two: We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the ...
This film covers the extraordinary life and great speeches of Winston Churchill that include the words: 'We shall never surrender,' 'blood, toil, tears, and sweat,' 'This was their finest hour.' ...
We've made some important changes to our Privacy and Cookies Policy and we want you to know what this means for you and your data. We and our partners use ...
We shall prevail. We shall overcome ... However, I reminded him that in saying so, he was quoting Winston Churchill. But Churchill had gone on to explain that history would judge him more ...