Up in Smoke (1978) is a comedy film directed by Lou Adler and written by Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong. It is about two high-smoking friends accidentally transporting a marijuana-filled van from ...
Marijuana is legal in 38 states, and now Cheech & Chong are in the Library of Congress' National Film Registry. The country is going to pot! Up in Smoke (1978 ... Gus Van Sant's magnificently ...
Driving home from Cheech & Chong ... From the moment Tommy Chong’s wife, Shelby, took the stage for a (thankfully) brief standup set, the Queen Elizabeth Theatre was up in smoke, and the ...
Chong are a comedy duo consisting of Richard "Cheech" Marin and Tommy Chong, who found a wide audience in the 1970s and 1980s for their stand-up routines, which were based upon the hippie and free ...
Cheech and Chong's marijuana-laced humor keeps their spirits high and leads them to an outrageous finale at L.A.'s Roxy Theatre, where Cheech performs in a pink tutu and Chong dresses as a large red ...
weed smoking and general anarchy and slacker view on life. Then Chong meets Cheech's Texan cousin Red and things kick up a notch. Cheech and Chong fly to the marijuana capital of the world, Amsterdam, ...