I want to begin by thanking you and your administration for all of your efforts to improve education in Idaho. You have earned your legacy as a champion of education and as a friend to teachers.
EP+Co President Kat Shafer is surprised anyone knows she not only helped launch Clemson University’s first varsity rowing team — eventually earning a full scholarship in the sport — but also was ...
Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Members of the Texas County Commission handled several matters ...
Captain Sandy Yawn from Below Deck Med seems quite strict on the Bravo show, but this weekend, Leah Shafer showed a gentle side to her. Read on for more details about the sometimes controversial ...
Schmadeke recalls how kind, intelligent, and determined her friend, and babysitter, Emma Shafer was. "She very quickly became someone that I thought of as a big sister..." added Schmadeke.
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