Rotorua’s deputy mayor Sandra Kai Fong has criticised a suggested council “rates swap” as unfair and a misnomer. While ...
Should Rotorua ratepayers pay more so Tarawera homeowners can pay less for a sewerage scheme? And should the popular Rotorua Night Market move to save money? These are two of the topics Rotorua Lakes ...
"Facts clarified by the regional council covered various matters including why the Tarawera sewerage scheme is needed and various funding matters including deed funding arrangements." The council said ...
Former Fonterra chairman Sir Henry van der Heyden is calling for 50-50 cost split between residents and the Government to pay for a controversial Rotorua sewerage scheme. The Tarawera Reticulation ...
A group protesting the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme pipeline path going under the road at wahitapu Lake Rotokākahi made the application to halt work last week. It is the latest legal hurdle for ...
Work on stage one of the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme, near Lake Rotokākahi, will continue on 24 February. This is in spite of a long-term occupation of the area by mana whenua which shut down work ...
Should Rotorua ratepayers pay more so Tarawera homeowners can pay less for a sewerage scheme? And should the popular Rotorua ...
Rotorua Lakes Council contractors have resumed work laying pipeline at Lake Rotokākahi in the Bay of Plenty as part of its Tarawera Sewerage scheme. Seven protesters opposing the project were ...