February, we have longer daylight. Often, temperatures have started to moderate and we have had a snow cover for about 90 days. It has varied much in depth, but this white substrate has been a good ...
There are animals you see so often they become part of the scenery. It is impossible to make a blanket statement about which ...
SQUIRRELS, Red, Gray ... PROPOSED 2025-26 TRAPPING SEASONS MINK and MUSKRAT: Nov. 22-Jan. 11, 2026. No limits. BEAVER (Statewide): Dec. 20-March 31, 2026 (Limits vary depending on WMU).
Weasel/red squirrel by Jimmy Fornetti, mink/muskrat by Jeremy Lundin, and raccoons by John Gunville. For times of these demos and more information go to www.uptrappers.com and click on upcoming ...
Over winter break, my two youngest sons, Jonny and Jordy, and I had the opportunity to sneak away for a little day trip. The ...
Here's a look at upcoming outdoors-related events from across Michigan published in the Feb. 14, 2025, edition of Outdoor News.
How and when Oklahoma’s hunting season dates are set can get complicated. But for the most part, hunting seasons are either ...
The 17,280-acre R.D. Bailey Lake Wildlife Management Area (WMA) ranges across narrow valleys and steep ridges forested in oak and hickory. Game traditionally hunted in the management area include bear ...
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) initiated comprehensive species planning in 1968 and have refined and expanded the process with each planning update. In 2017, MDIFW ...
gray squirrel, red fox, gray fox, porcupine, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum, raccoon, river otter, striped skunk, weasel. The following species may be taken without a NWCO permit by individuals for ...