[MindYourDecisions] presents a Babylonian tablet dating back to around 1800 BC that shows that the hypotenuse of a unit square is the square root of two or 1.41421. How did they know that?
Making life simpler, [nats.fr] settled on a gamma of two, which means taking a bunch of square roots, which isn’t fast on an FPGA. [nats]’s algorithm is pretty neat: it uses a first-stage ...
\({9}\) is a square number. \(3 \times 3 = 9\) \(3 \times 3\) can also be written as \(3^2\). This is pronounced "\({3}\) squared". \({8}\) is a cube number. The ...
Unlike the more familiar real numbers—positive and negative integers, fractions, square roots, cube roots and even numbers ...
Logarithms and square root are non-elementary operations frequently used in digital signal processing. In this work, implementation and design of an IP-Core to compute square root and multibase ...
Some quadratics cannot be factorised. An alternative method to solve a quadratic equation is to complete the square. To solve an equation of the form \(x^2 + bx + c = 0\) consider the expression ...
Over 1,200 kilograms of fruit and vegetables deemed unsuitable for supermarkets was given away Saturday and Sunday at an ...