While the above are the top five carry heroes in Dota 2 at the time of writing, they are not the be-all-end-all in the meta. Other heroes in the carry role that are worth mentioning currently include ...
Here are the top five most impactful Dota 2 heroes at DreamLeague Season 25 after the Dota 2 Update 7.38 went live.
Windranger has some independence during the laning phase, but her performance in the current meta is lacking. She has been weakened in recent patches, and the variety of viable builds for her is ...
"The Ancient Apparition is a versatile spellcaster with the unusual ability to strike enemies at long distances. With practice, his Ice Blast can strike any point on the battlefield, and deals ...
After long months of wintery wait, Dota 2 finally got Patch 7.38, titled “Wandering Waters.” The floodgates have opened, and we have a barrage of changes impacting how the game plays at a ...
Valve has introduced a raft of changes in the just-released Wandering Waters update, reworking the objectives and overhauling the Dota 2 gameplay. Patch 7.38 has a revamped mobile Roshan ...
Dota 2 players are in for a treat with Patch 7.38 is giving us a new map to explore! It has been an extremely long wait for Dota 2 players to have something to be excited about. Patch 7.37 has served ...
Lifestealer in Dota 2 7.38 is best used to counter tanky enemy drafts. Gorestorm replaces Unfettered, his old Facet in the latest patch. The new Facet lets you Infest Ancient Creeps and drench ...