There’s nothing like a fresh, clean car. Well, maybe climbing into bed when you have fresh, clean sheets. Anyway, when it comes to cleaning anything, the last thing you’re thinking is that you’re ...
If you use a public vacuum to clean your car, you may be doing a lot more harm than good. According to a lab study commissioned by Panda Hub, self-serve vacuums-the kind you'd typically find at car ...
That was the news a few weeks ago from the car detailing company Panda Hub, which had commissioned a lab study on microbes living in the self-serve vacuums you find at your local service stations.
If you use a public vacuum to clean your car, you may be doing a lot more harm than good. According to a lab study commissioned by Panda Hub, self-serve vacuums—the kind you’d typically find ...
According to Panda Hub, more than 65 million of us use self-serve vacuums daily or weekly, too, with 4 out of 5 containing some kind of gross bacteria. The best thing to do is vacuum your car at ...