Children who regularly eat seafood at age 7 exhibit more positive social behaviors—such as sharing, helping, and interacting ...
The children completed a questionnaire at home with parents. The questionnaire included three parts: Socio-demographic data, Screen time-based sedentary behavior questionnaire, and Strengths and ...
The parents gave informed consent for participation in research ... Raw mean values were given for each SDQ subscale in total and for subgroups of children. The associations between atopic disease as ...
Introduction Parents shape child emotional competence and mental health via their beliefs about children’s emotions, emotion-related parenting, the emotional climate of the family and by modelling ...
Carlos Alcaraz González and Virginia Garfia Escandón are Carlos Alcaraz's parents. He was born to Carlos Alcaraz González and Virginia Garfia Escandón in Palmar, Murcia, Spain on May 5 ...
Lindsay Gibson's "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents" has become something of a cult classic, with over one million copies sold. Many young people on TikTok claim the examples resonate ...
Many parents are probably familiar with a certain type of teen and their approach to school: These kids turn up. They do their homework. They get good-enough grades. They comply, which in academic ...
my parents had this board we kept under the living room couch that they’d take out when I wanted to tap dance." Pauline, 33, lives mostly in Paris though also spends much of her time between New ...
Around the time my wife Cori and I got engaged, both of my parents started experiencing health issues. They told us they would have to sell the house and move into a graduated care facility for ...
Kelsey Parker has revealed how supportive her late husband Tom’s parents have been during her new pregnancy. Kelsey revealed that Tom’s mother, Noreen, had a beautiful reaction to Kelsey’s ...