Prepare to get schooled If you have kids in school, or even if you don’t, you’ve probably realized that there’s a lot about ...
As the Tigers prepare for spring training, Detroit must already find another option for their Opening Day pitching rotation.
Are you having problems in memory, attention, and multitasking because of a traumatic brain injury (blow or blast to the head) and not from a stroke or something else? If this is you and you are ...
Genesis Brain Institute is a neurological rehabilitation center dedicated to restoring the quality of life for people of all ...
A study at Lund University reveals that traumatic brain injury alters the small vessels in the brain, resulting in an accumulation of amyloid beta—a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. The findings ...
An increased risk of dementia among individuals exposed to brain trauma, traumatic brain injury, has been known for almost a century.
“We’re doing something different this year,” Alcantara said, “to be more aggressive.” ...
The Detroit Tigers are expecting Alex Cobb to miss the start of the season. The team’s injury report at the start of spring ...