Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, famed for his romantic roles, has died of cancer aged 67. He was part of the Kapoor acting dynasty which has long dominated Bollywood, the Hindi film industry.
Four years ago, the world bid farewell to the legendary Rishi Kapoor, a beloved actor whose boyish charm in Mera Naam Joker and enduring role as a romantic hero left an indelible mark on generations.
Image Source : INSTAGRAM Rishi Kapoor died in April 2020. Neetu Kapoor got emotional as she missed the presence of her late husband and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor at a special family event in Mumbai.
Rishi Kapoor shared a humorous incident about Ranbir Kapoor seeking advice on lip-syncing early in his career, despite being from the renowned Kapoor family. Rishi recalled advising him to sing at ...
Sujata Mehta and Farah Naaz shared screen space in the 1988 film Yateem, alongside Sunny Deol, and the 1993 film Dhartiputra, which featured Mammootty, Rishi Kapoor, and Jaya Prada.
In his autobiography, Rishi Kapoor recalled how Neetu had confided in him when she was threatened during the filming of Saagar. He told her there was no reason to worry, and by then, he and Dimple ...