Red Dead Redemption takes place a decade after the fall of the Van der Linde gang and follows John Marston's story from outlaw to rancher to a killer of old friends.
2018 was a great year for gaming, especially with the release of Red Dead Redemption 2. Fans have spent the last seven years playing the iconic Western prequel. While more graphically impressive ...
Arthur Morgan's quotes in Red Dead Redemption 2 are powerful and relevant ... Instead, Arthur tells it blatantly to John Marston and decides that if he can save anyone, it's who he sees as ...
Considering that the 2005 John Hillcoat film The Proposition, a violent Australian Western with real grit, was one of the main inspirations for the video game, Rockstar Games' decision to hire ...
You play as Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang, which features a younger John Marston as one of its members. Is Red Dead Redemption 2 a Sequel or a Prequel? Red Dead Redemption 2 is ...
Red Dead Redemption 1 ends in 1914, which is not the best setting for a Wild West story. Jack Marston's story is already complete, as he has avenged his father's death and should be ready to move ...
There are all kinds of villains and boss battles throughout the Star Wars games, and in Jedi Fallen Order, players encounter ...