The trailer transported viewers to Ayodhya, the birthplace of Prince Rama; Mithila, where he weds Sita; The forest of Panchavati, where Lord Rama Rama spent his exile with Sita and Lakshman and Lanka, ...
A retelling of the ancient story of Prince Rama and his wife, Sita, which is celebrated every year at Diwali. Long ago in a kingdom called Ayodhya there lived a king called Dashratha, who had four ...
Themes: The festival of Diwali; the story of Rama and Sita; light vs dark, good vs evil; good deeds shining like lights in the darkness. Summary: This assembly is suitable as an act of collective ...
The Hindi version aired on the popular kids' channel Cartoon ... of Prince Rama's journey, his battles against the demon king Ravana, and his quest to rescue his wife, Sita. The 4K remastering ...